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Add V-ray fur to multiple meshes at once?

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  • Add V-ray fur to multiple meshes at once?

    Is there an easy way to do this like in Maya? From what I can tell you can't add multiple objects, or groups, to the "source" slot on the V-ray fur node?
    Any workarounds short of having one V-ray fur object for each mesh I want the fur on (it's to be copies of the same fur)

  • #2
    For the moment, I think you'll have to create multiple fur objects. But we can easily extend it to groups, if you think it will help.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      A group/multi object option would be fantastic. +1


      • #4
        Originally posted by vlado View Post
        For the moment, I think you'll have to create multiple fur objects. But we can easily extend it to groups, if you think it will help.

        Best regards,
        That would be very helpful! Or an add/remove list dialogue box. eg like the one that pops up when you want to exclude an object from VrayClipper (I've seen it used in a few other places in V-ray too)


        • #5
          Vlado, if you add the "add/remove" list , do you think it's possible to have a single vrayfur object for multiple objects also when you have instances?

          I try to make it clear.
          Imagine this:
          - I have a vrayfur object
          - I have an object "example"
          - I set "example" to the vrayfur object
          - I select both "example" object and vrayfur.
          - I create an instance of every one.
          - I'd like to have 2 "example" objects and 1 vrayfur that contains in the add/remove list the 2 "example" object instances.
          In this way, it's easier , building copies as instances, to maintain the scene clean with one vrayfur objects.

          I use Vrayfur for 3d apparel models that I place inside 3d shops, and when you have many and many of that, I think it's good to make the scene clear as much as possible.

          Thanks in advance
          Last edited by bardo; 22-04-2015, 08:51 AM.


          • #6
            Yes this would be very helpful! Extending it to groups would be nice


            • #7
              Haha seems I should have put this in the wish list forums!

              All my wishes are basically just parity with V-ray for Maya features :P

