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Possible special VRay offer?

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  • Possible special VRay offer?

    Hi Peter / Tedi / Vlado,

    Is there maybe any chance that there will be a special discount on the current version of VRay before version 1.5 will be released? Something like: "Buy VRay 1.09 now for the old price and get your update to version 1.5 for free when it's released"? Would be nice to attract more VRay users.


    Metin — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation

  • #2


    I thought the update from 1.09 to 1.5 is free!? Did I understand something wrong?



    • #3
      Oops, I'm probably totally not informed of the policy concerning VRay updates. I simply assumed that a major update wouldn't be a free update.

      Love to know what's the deal.

      Thanks and cheers,

      Metin — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


      • #4
        last i checked the update to 1.5 is the last free update. after that they will be working to have vray as a stand alone. this will allow for the porting of vray over to other software such as maya, XSI, etc. The stand alone will more than likely be the next thing to buy (or upgrade to i assume would be cheaper as current customers) There would be the port of your choice, max, maya, xsi that would come with the stand alone renderer.
        these are just assumptions made from all the posts on the subject in the announcement section.

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #5
          Thanks for the info. Then let me rephrase my question: will there be any VRay price discount surrounding the release of VRay 1.5? Would be nice to attract more VRay users.


 — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


          • #6
            ah i see. hehe.
            well. i dont know what the date is but i know around the siggraph time there was usually a small discount on vray in the past. Already its a cheap software though.

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7
              vray will most likely keep being integrated into max, the way it is now.
              we will loose a lot of functionality with an external renderer.
              like, 3rd party plugins without dedicated support for the renderer will stop working. see mental ray.
              Marc Lorenz
              ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


              • #8
                VRay is definitely relatively cheap for the power it adds to Max, and I hope the VRay updates will remain as seamlessly integrated in Max as they are now.


       — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


                • #9
                  If they have a deal at siggraph...i'll be buyin one for myself. I can't wait to see what everyone else has as well. I've got some money to spend this year...and i plan too.
                  -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                  • #10
                    I truly hope that if there will be a deal, it will not only be available to visitors of Siggraph, but to anyone, anywhere in the world.
           — design | illustration | visualization | cartoons | animation


                    • #11
                      What about a student
                      on commercial version ?


                      • #12
                        That would be great if there was a deal. Vray Free only goes so far!


                        • #13
                          Mental Ray not being well integrated into Max is lasiness on the part of Mental Images not implimenting features, mainly because Maya and XSI are thier cash cows, and the fact Discreet only has one programmer from the rumors going around working on the mental ray connection for max.
                          One of the great things about the VRAY guys is how hard they worked on making VRAY work with other products. It takes time to do this and Discreet and Mantal Images don't seem to have any....
                          Two heads are better than one ...
                          ....but some head is better than none.....


                          • #14
                            What about a student
                            on commercial version ?
                            They have an edu licence available. As far as I know it is a little over $200 for the advanced version. Contact Chaos for more info.
                            Torgeir Holm |

