The two glass planes on the left has a standard material with vraymap in reflection and refraction slots. The reflections are from a vrayhdri in the enviroment slot of the vraymap used in the reflection map of the standard material.
The glass cylinder on the right is a vrayMtl with a fresnel fallof map in the reflection slot and 100% withe in the refraction. The only place i found to place the vrayhdri enviroment was the enviroment slot map in the vraymtl, but i get this black thing. I know that this black thing is the vrayhdri map refracted on the glass.
My problem is that i need a separated enviroment slot map for reflection and refraction like in standard material with vraymaps.
I dont understand why using vraymap in standard material (which is slower) i can use separated enviroment maps for reflection and refraction and cant in the native vraymtl wich is a lot faster.