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Automate sending animation to backburner

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  • Automate sending animation to backburner

    So, Im wondering if its possible, and HOW animation rendering can be scripted to be a one-click solution instead of the way it is at the moment.
    Im talking about rendering Flythrough LC, then Multiframe IR map, then final frames.

    At the moment, takes an age to queue everything up on backburner and there are so many ways you can make an error and screw it up. (forgetting to untick "dont render final image" is my favorite!)

    Essentially is it possible to script the following:

    1. LC flythrough pass:
    -Set GI to LC/LC
    -Set LC to flythrough
    -Tick "use camera path"
    -Set subdivs
    -Auto save LC- file name based on camera name or some defined name at the beginning that can be "remembered" for all subsequent renders?
    -Dont render final image
    -Set the scene start and end time to match the camera keyframe extents?
    -Send to single server on backburner without DR

    2.IR map:
    -Auto save based on camera name/defined name
    -Set to every 10 frames

    3.Final pass
    -EXRs based on camera name/defined name

    I couldnt find anything online that does this except maybe Solidrocks, but Im not interested in the rest of Solidrocks features and it seems you can utilize the animation rendering without them?

    Any one know of anything? I would attempt to script it myself but my scripting skills involve copy pasting from the listener only which doesnt seem to help in this case.
