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Irradiance map crash!

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  • Irradiance map crash!

    I'm computing the irr map for many frames.
    I'm using many plugins in my scene, and the render stop sometimes, I don't know why, but... it doesn't matter, I'd just like to know if there is a way to save an incremental irr map: usuallly it is saved just at the end of the render range, but my scene crash every 50-100-200 frames, so I would need to save it each frame is calculated, to restart the irr-map when it stopped.

    Is it possible?

  • #2
    Ehm... maybe mine is a stupid question, but I REALLY need help.

    Does somebody knows if is possible to '"force" v-ray to save the irradiance map at each calculated frame (or each 5-10 frames) ?


    • #3
      Ithink that if you check auto save your map will be saved after every rendered frame. But i´m not sure
      Daniel Westlund


      • #4
        I have run into this problem a few times, once it was caused by a lot of selfilluminated plant cards, turning of send and recieve gI for the plants fixed the problem. Another time it was caused by a very large very bright object a few miles from my scene that I was using as a "sun" for specular reflections , here hiding it during the calc did the trick. Basicly the crash is pointing to a problem, hard to say what it is though. I would try doing the cal'c with only the base objects if that works then systematicly add the rest to see when it crashes.
        Eric Boer


        • #5
          roppin: no, 'auto save' will save the irradiance map ONLY at completion.

          RErender: is not so easy to find the problem... is a very large scene, many plugins, and the scene crash after 30, 50 or 100 frames (or something like that).


          • #6
            I understand, I work with very large files too, it can be very frustrating. The only other option is to render seperate imaps and the merge them together using the imap viewer. It can be downloaded on chaos's site ont the second download page.
            Eric Boer


            • #7
              That's of course annoying, but you may want to solve your problem upstream.

              If your scene is already borderline when rendering the IMAP, you can expect such problems afterwards.

              In order to spare some memory :
              SOme of these settings won't affect the imap render ( )

              You may also consider to convert as many objects as possible in editable mesh, because some plugins (or mixed plugins) tend to create faulty meshes.


              • #8
                I never considered to use the Imap viewer to merge the files!... and I use it!
                I'll try.

                P.S. 1 I can't convert all meshes 'cause I have some modifier that HAS to stay in stack.

                P.S. 2 I don't have memory troubles, is something else......

