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light fixtures issues.

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  • light fixtures issues.

    Guys, whats the best way to fake a simple round light fixture ? (ceiling lights)

    Ok, heres the thing, when i do a scene, i fake the ceiling lights (round) with a cylinder in MAX, a small cylinder, just 1 cm high, and place it on the ceiling, then i asign a standard material to it, but iwth the self illumination at max (100), so it looks like glowing white circles on the ceiling.

    Well, is there a better way to fake this because when i use Vray as the renderer, 2 things happens:

    1- The self illumination is opaque, not as glowing as it used to be.

    2- Some circles doesnt even show with the self illuminated material, but instead like a dark material, like there was no material assigned to it.

    The second issue could sometimes dissapear tweaking the irr. map settings, but is a random thing.

    PS: mods, if you think this should be on Vray Free forum, please move the topic, but it could be a MAX general question.
    So, any idea to fake this ceiling lights?

  • #2
    i think its all down to colour mapping ... i normaly just do it in Photoshop.


    • #3
      thanks natty....but......could you tell me more?....i dont quite follow you......dont tell me a step by step, but what exactly shoudl i do in phptoshop?


      • #4
        yeah I do that in Pshp as's how I do it if I need to get a "glow"/selfilluminated feel to a light....

        1) in Pshp select the bright area of you light w/ the majic wand tool, then click CNTRL+J to bring that selection to a new layer....

        2) double click on that new layer that has your bright areas from your lights on.......the layer blending options should come up.

        3) in the blending options you can check the "outer glow" box and then in those options you can mess with glow/self-illumination options for getting a subtle or strong sense of glow to your lights....

        I find this method to give me much more control over that then any post glowing/self illumination effect in max......
        I'm sure there are many other ways to achieve this, but this works pretty good for me...



        • #5


          • #6
            oh!...i got it guys meant postproduction work .....i though natty was saying about creating a texture or map in phptoshop and then apply it on MAX.


