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AA hedaches

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  • AA hedaches

    I've been having problems with AA on a few of my animation and I was just wondering if anyone had an answer to a couple questions.

    If it appears that the AA problem is with bump maps will turning on the Normals feature under AA help?

    With the Simple two-level method is there a rule for setting the Base subdivs.?

    I'm going through a series of tests now but they're taking forever in my case. Any suggestions would be appreciated


  • #2
    No one has any headache medicine for me



    • #3
      why dont u just simulate the situation,with some object on a new test scene? It shouldnt take more than 10 minutes to see how is it...

      or at least post an image a frame, to have a look on it. To see what exactly you are talking about in this case


      • #4
        Here is one with the highlighted areas causing me problems. It comes from my bump maps. I've tried the AA filters Area, Soften, Mitch-Net, Cat-Rom with all possible image samplers.

        Current settings for this image

        I would post an animation but the DivX and others are really reeking havoc on this animation and basically masks the bad AA. I'll see if I can make a shortened version which demonstrates better.



        • #5
          yes I think just make an uncompreesed avi few (3-4) frames or even better just put into a zip file few frames as BMP so as I cycle through will see what is it. . And then I can see what is it because from the stills nothing seems to be problematic..

          But one thing maybe if u filter your bumpmaps a bit (texture filtering) did u tried that?


          • #6
            are you using an image for the bump or max noise?
            ive found that max noise creates some undisirable affects in animations, and it looks like the noise is moving.

            i would use an image for the bump if you can.


            • #7
              Correct me if i am wrong, but the reason the noise looks like its moving is because it is. You need to lock it down by applying a UVW map to the object that its applied to and setting it to UVW to XYZ or something very similar. This is only relevant to animations.

              But yeah an Image is ideal


              • #8
                well we dont know yet, he didnt said it moves, only tha AA made him unsatisfied. Lets wait and see.


                • #9
                  Just a note losbellos

                  I would post an animation but the DivX and others are really reeking havoc on this animation and basically masks the bad AA. I'll see if I can make a shortened version which demonstrates better.


                  • #10
                    Ok, thanks all for the suggestions. I don't think that any of these are the case other than maybe the noise working with VRay in general (not sure why but it's the best guess yet). Does anyone know answers to my original two questions. I've done my homework and trying to make it as clear as possible I posted the two s.

                    losbellos: I've included the image sequence zipped bellow. You may notice The GI settings are low because I'm testing AA. Next test I'm going to rip everything else and use direct lighting only and see if I can pick apart my material.


                    natty: In an attempt to make this scene as natural as possible I've ended with a massive material tree. Here it is, as you can see it contains multiple noise as well as bitmaps. I should also mention that every channel has a mix referencing the objects vertex colors to blend between the dirt areas and the grass. It's very subtle on that back hill but present.

                    DaForce: This hasn't been an issue since MAX 2.x I believe. Also locking the procedural was only necessary if the object or sub-objects were moving. In my case it's a camera move.



                    • #11
                      i have found that Procedural maps do not work well in animations in vray .... thats the only thing i can think of


                      • #12
                        I wish I knew why this was or even how to best address it but thanks for your insight



                        • #13
                          although you mentioned that you have tried all image filter and aa combinations, would you mind to try the following: set your aa to simple two level 3/5 and lower the threshold to 0.03, uncheck everything beneath (object outline etc.) - go to the image filter and choose a mitchell netravali with a blur of 1.1 and ringing 0.2. Those settings seemed the only ones to work in some tricky aa situations for me (even if the blur the image slightly, but that's what it needs to get rid of animation noise).

                          greets and good luck, Michael

                          edit: you could also cycle through your maps on the critical objects and check your blur values - everything under 0.1 (especially on procedurals) could be critical for animation.
                          This signature is only a temporary solution


                          • #14
                            Michael: I wasn't saying I had tried every combination Just the three sampling types with the AA filters I listed. I'll definitely try what you suggested though. I'm not positive but I thought Mit-Net gives problem anytime it's used with animation. Is it due to your blur and ringing settings that this should work for animation? Do you use Mit-Net allot for animation?



                            • #15
                              are you sure its aa thats causing the problems? perhaps its something else? are you using combustion/ after effects?

