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a bit OT: PowerRhinotoMax or PowerSolids translation issue.

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  • a bit OT: PowerRhinotoMax or PowerSolids translation issue.

    Hi All,

    I'm posting here because i know there are a few users that use npower plugins to bring CAD data to MAx/Vray. I use power RhinotoMAx and I've been having problems of 2 kinds:

    1. If I bring open polysurfaces in (not cloes solids) the normals are all screwd up and the part renders black.

    2. The stuff that comes in fine, sometimes I can only see it in shaded mode, wireframes are invisibe.

    Any ideas, tips?


  • #2

    i am also using nPower booleans.. never had such problems...
    For the first question - flip the normals in rhino before import
    or the second one, are u sure it is not a visualisation problem , have u attributed a 2-sided material upon import ?


    • #3
      1.) take the newest update of PowerTranslator.. it works better.
      2.) Mail the surface problem in the nPower forum, I did this before but we have to hammer on this.
      3.) The flip-command doesn't really work correct. It looks ok in viewport, but Vray flips the face in the other way.
      4.) Only solution is flip (comand!) in Rhino.

      Hope they fix that before my Rhino Evaluation runs out...



      • #4
        I had this trouble to..

        do this:

        choose one of the four import options
        choose your meshes quality

        then in the last 2 options ...uncheck TWO SIDED TRIMMED SURFACES!

        It does not work with Vray, causing nasty areas in render! To view correctly your suface in shaded view or wireframe view, check in the visualization menu FORCE2SIDE.

        Hope It will work with U!




        • #5

          Btw .. what format do u use to export, because i have to tell you all.. never had a problem like that ... not even close...


          • #6
            I always have this problem...I import directly a Rhino FIle!


            • #7
              close the surface, and then import as separate parts if u need so much to be opened, and the join the needed parts. Dont know what will be results but try it.

              I never had any issue in my trial period, I used a lot, and actually I was amazed by that plug.


              • #8
                Hi All,

                Thanks for the responses. I tried flipping the normals of the open polysurfaces in Rhino before importing to Max. It turns out Rhino does not care if normals are looking in our out because everything is double sided so I had quite a lot of things with inverted normals. Once this is fixed in Rhino, the file comes is perfectly into Max ! I jsut wished this could be fixed in MAx with the BrepObjects modifier, but that thing does not do a thing for me.

                My other problem of desappearing wireframes it has to do with using MAxtreme drivers. Npowersoftware is looking into this to see if they can fix it. If I switch Max's display driver to OpenGL all wires are there, but not with Maxtreme. But I'm addicted to Maxtreme's performance so I'll wait for a fix.

                Thanks again,



                • #9
                  can you explain exactly which commands did u use in Rhino?



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kafka82
                    can you explain exactly which commands did u use in Rhino?

                    the command in Rhino is "Dir" for direction, prompt the command and click on the open surface/polysurface and it will show you arrows of the normal direction, if they are pointing inwards click on the viewport or on the Flip option in the command line.

                    This works only one polysurface/surface at a time though.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the responses. I tried flipping the normals of the open polysurfaces in Rhino before importing to Max. It turns out Rhino does not care if normals are looking in our out because everything is double sided so I had quite a lot of things with inverted normals.
                      In Rhino Render preferences, uncheck "Render backfaces". That will show you in shaded mode how the normals are facing.
                      Surreal Structures

