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Ok it´s 16. June today

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  • #16
    vray 1.5 a gift????
    well i think we (paying customers ) very much deserve a gift like that
    if only for the fact that 7 months have gone by with no DR amongst other major bugs and problems
    so its more like an obligation from chaos rather than a gift
    dotn get me wrong i wouldnt be able to use any other renderer and i m just about to buy some more licences but when i have a deadline or any of you im sure i make it. and if i cant make i hire more people to work on the project so i can make it even if that means no profit because if i dont make it then the client will not pay me or at least definetely wont come back to me because i will have messed up his deadline and so forth
    just because cebas behaved like how they did doesnt mean we should not demand certain things from anyone we are paying to provide a certain service or product.
    i ve never taken part in disccussins like these before but i m feeling very touchy today

    and its because of the (excellent by the way) help files that i ve been reading since yesterday

    i feel exactly the same as when i was tying to get my motorbike
    i bought the helmet and all the gear but i didnt have my bike because the dealer kept delaying delivery for weeks
    enough for now

    PS. Vray proxies that do not keep the material settings?????????????
    it looks like it completely defeats the purpose ( unless used for gazillions of teapots)
    can anyone comment?


    • #17
      will we have to wait another 9 month (or more) for working DR then?
      i fear it will become even more complicated because, like chaos wrote, the max version is not top priority anymore after v1.5 is released.
      I've been reading about that in several posts, and I'm getting worried. If I unterstood correctly this rumor, vray will be a standalone, and not integrated in max anymore. What will happen to us max users? I'm used to and really happy with the possiblity to test render while modelling. If it's not possible anymore I'm screwed and I'm will have to switch back to fr eventhough it's slow as hell...


      • #18
        one thing i find annoying is the whole elite-beta-user game. i don't know why i am not allowed to participate (even a negative answer would be nicer than no answer).
        you beta users should discuss things in a closed forum. don't give out release dates. when it's done release it, and noone will complain. that's the usual way.
        but the teasing and repeated pushing back of release dates is a bit frustrating.

        my 2 cents.
        Marc Lorenz
        ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


        • #19
          Plastic_: we are posting details about 1.5 because users are asking for them, not to annoy you I'm sure lots of people like to be kept updated, but maybe we should all just shut up if it results in threads like this.
          Torgeir Holm |


          • #20
            of course users are asking, i'm also dying for every insider information.
            but feeding curiosity results in increased expectations etc.
            that's human nature.
            most companies are shy about giving out information to public, not because they are evil but rather because they know about the disadvantages.
            right know i'd wish i knew nothing and could concentrate on my work instead of thinking how much a new software version would make my job easier.
            Marc Lorenz
            ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


            • #21
              Ok, I get your point

              Chaos have always been very open, and like I said unfortunately often too optimistic reagrding timeframes. I guess this is a double edged sword.

              Maybe you should nag Chaos some more about a beta The poor guys are too busy coding to answer emails though :-/ I don't know what criteria they use to select people for internal versions, but I know that most people I know with internal versions are either pre 1.0 users or users that have had productive two-way communication with Chaos previously.
              Torgeir Holm |


              • #22
                Chaos have always been very open, and like I said unfortunately often too optimistic reagrding timeframes. I guess this is a double edged sword.
                I think you hit the spot right there egz.
                Unfortunalty that's why so many people are frustrated...including myself I have to say.

                I'm not interested in a printed manual (heck, I can print the online one if I really want to) nor I'm interested in beta testing (too busy w/ production for that).....I just want a full release that I can slap in production and not have to worry about major bugs.
                And for that I'm willing to wait what it takes them to get it rolled out.....I much rather use a "virtually" bug free version a month from now, rather then a rushed version tommorow and have it crap out on me every 15 mins...then I (and most users) would get really pissed better hold on tight and wait till they get their work done



                • #23
                  i remember when i bought final render stage-0. this was about 15 days or so before vray started beta testing and i joined the vray team. i didnt get my copy of final render stage-0 for about a month or so (i had pre-ordered) by then i loved vray. when i got stage-0 i was extreamly dissapointed. eh no problem. vray was churning out bug fix builds pretty fast and it was getting faster and faster and easier interfaces. im sure the cebas dudes will be working to make their product easier to use and faster etc. hmmmm. no stage-0.1 or 0.2 or .5 (there was a patch build in there somewhere i didnt bother to get it). then finally stage-1 is being released!!! wheeee.
                  but wait a second. they are atleast 10 months or so late. And whats this?? i have to pay for it?
                  im sure brazil and mr users have the same outlook on their builds.
                  sure 1.1 of vray was never released. but you know what. the last public build had in way more than 1.1 was initually supposed to have in. And people tend to wonder why im such a big vray fan. sure its an awsome renderer. but i also love the community and the programmers

                  ps im not bashing fR. just pointing out that our situation with a delayed product isnt a new concept.

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • #24
                    I think the problem I have with this whole thing is that the current version available to me is not capable of handling all my models therefore I am unable to fully switch over to Vray.

                    I am basically waiting (and have been waiting for a very long time) for the ability to render over 3/4/5 million polys without Vray crashing. I have had emails from Vlado sent just after this new feature was announced (Feb 06,Thursday,2003) saying that the release was close (certainly less than a month away).

                    It is now 16 months later and I still can't use vray on more than about 20% of my scenes.

                    It is very frustrating especially when you know quite a few of the people on here have it & it is very easy to be patient when you are not waiting for something.....


                    • #25
                      In my experience asking for an internal build because I needed a feature in a production has always resulted in having the build in my inbox a few hours later. If you state what you need and why, they've always been quick to assist.
                      Torgeir Holm |


                      • #26
                        Must be very special software for people to get so worked up, personaly I have skipped the Beta and taken a Zen like will be here when it is finished.
                        Eric Boer


                        • #27
                          Hello, everyone.
                          I've been with this forum for quite a while - people are nice and intelligent. Never posted, though - many posts here would echo my proper thoughts, so after all why shake the air with "I second that..."

                          However, fair's fair, as they say, so I permit myself to chime in. I, for one worked on a project (14 months) that was effectively killed dead because of this "coming soon" bait. Starting last June, we were waiting for the 1.1 cavalery that'd never shown up. And so all the hi-end stuff went down the drain -"unhandled", as usual. I had a huge big personal stake in it, but so what..?

                          Now, I work for another company, this time in France. They've bought 6 licences on my recommendation and the farm is sitting there waiting for the 1.5. There are 6 films in the pipe-line, a lot of hi-poly architecture and animation...

                          Mow, most of the folks here are an up front lot. Like it's about time Chaos picks this commendable attitude.

                          sasha beliaev


                          • #28
                            blablabla... :P


                            • #29
                              If you guys have a problem with how chaos is doing business, think about if you solely used mental ray? How often do THEY update? You dont get a chance to use point releases. What OTHER renderers allow you to try out the latest stuff?

                              Unfortunately, chaos group is a victim of their own generosity. You could easily have seen NOTHING between 1.0 and 1.5, and it wouldn't have been criticised.

                              Some prefer to work instead of trying all the new beta stuff.

                              Thats the problem, some fanboys here seem to have to much time to play around.

                              It´s ok for them, but please keep in mind that this does not mean it´s ok for everyone.

                              I prefer to have ONE rock solid and production ready version and not hundred betas.
                              If the company has made improvements and build a new version, then i decide if i need the new functions and i pay for an upgrade.

                              We would not pay for an advanced vray version again when it´s clear that one of the important features is still not working after 8 or 9 month.

                              My 5 cents.


                              • #30

                                At last i have to say:
                                You allready got what you´ve been paiing in my oppinion. One of the fastest most spectacular highendrenderes on Earth. And 1.4565 already is much much much more spectacular.
                                Also the upgrade is a gift, nothing you did pay for.
                                Would you please come over here and show us DR with max 6?

                                Ok, we bought Vray for Max 5 and not Max 6.
                                But this is no a good sign for our investment and thats why some fear that with Max 7 and chaos focusing on the standalone or Maya version it will get worse in the future.

