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VRMAT MatId? How?

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  • VRMAT MatId? How?

    Hi all

    When loading VRMats in a VRayMatMtl, how do I assing material id's? I mean beyond the 1-15 you can with the material editor? With a normal vraymtl you can override this to what you want, but I don't see an override in a vrmat, or am I not looking in the right place?

    I can't use the object gbuffer, because a lot of this is in multisubobjects in vray proxies

    I think Dave mentioned in another thread there's a way to get more than 15 with just max
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Hi Morne, try this.....

    It's using a little sneaky bit of MaxPlus.... I've been having the occasional error message with this code though at the moment and sometimes running it again fixes it... It's a bit complicated to track so if you can let me know if it ever errors for you.

    fn ExpandMaterialLibrary mLib =
    	materials = #()
    	for m in mLib where iskindof m material do
    		append materials m
    		for s = 1 to (getnumsubmtls m) where (getsubmtl m s) != undefined do append materials (getsubmtl m s)
    lib = ExpandMaterialLibrary scenematerials
    for j = 1 to lib.count do
    	GlobalInterface = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface")
    	CreateStr = GlobalInterface.Instance.StringStream.Create
    	((GlobalInterface.Instance.ExecuteScript (CreateStr ("lib[" + j as string + "]")) true).ToMtlbase).GbufID = J
    MMEID = 1
    for i = 1 to lib.count by 3 do
    	re = maxOps.GetRenderElementMgr #production
    	local eleName = ("MME_mats_" + (MMEID as string))
    	re.addrenderelement (MultiMatteElement elementname:eleName)
    	theelement = re.getrenderelement (re.numrenderelements() - 1)
    	theelement.MatID = true
    	theelement.R_gbufIDOn = true
    	theelement.R_gbufID = i
    	if i + 1 <= lib.count then
    		theelement.G_gbufIDOn = true
    		theelement.G_gbufID = i + 1
    		theelement.G_gbufIDOn = false
    	if i + 2 <= lib.count then
    		theelement.B_gbufIDOn = true
    		theelement.B_gbufID = i + 2
    		theelement.B_gbufIDOn = false
    	MMEID += 1
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