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VrayHDR Loader - Changes to Single Channel EXR Handling Breaks Existing Displacement?

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  • VrayHDR Loader - Changes to Single Channel EXR Handling Breaks Existing Displacement?

    We found that in the 3.3 update that the way single color EXR are handled has changed. It used to assume the channel to be RED and leave Green and Blue as 0.0, but now it interprets all 3 channels to use the value from the single channel in the file. While this might have been considered a more "correct" way to handle the incoming image data, it is essentially breaking all of our existing scenes that use 32bit Zbrush displacement maps. We have to manually go and adjust these one by one for all of our maps in every scene to ensure the displacement values are too high now since all of our settings were based on the OLD handling.

    It would have been nice to make the new method an option that was off by default so it would not break existing scenes.

  • #2
    It's one of those things where we changed for Maya, but trickled into Max without anyone noticing because the bitmap loader is the same.

    Apologies for the inconvenience. If there's too much effort involved in converting the scenes, we could probably add an environment variable to revert to the old behavior.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

