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  • #16
    Originally posted by vlado View Post
    I would be interested to learn more about this - what kind of scenes are you rendering?

    Best regards,
    Vlado, we tried to use RT here from 2.x to now 3.1....the issue IMHO isn't how responsive it's in Maya but the stability during look-dev and lighting. Believe a full production vehicle scene isn't as complex as heavy VFX film scene, but it crashes quite often and random. We couldn't re-produce the crash to diagnose the problem. Not sure how it is in Max RT though.

    RE: VRED, it's difficult to do lighting, especially interior lighting, compared to Vray. Great real-time shaders and interactivity. But when you turned on raytracing, AA, and GI, the response in my experience is even worse then Vray RT. With VRED, it's limited as far as I can tell, but depends on what you need at the end. You can knock out great still sthots quickly by working with a pro retoucher because you have the whole up-to-date CAD database in VRED already anyway and the material library out of box looks good enough for both real-time and offline rendering. When you don't need to mess a lot with lighting, it's as simple as set camera, render out, and hand it off to your retoucher to make the images beautiful.
    always curious...


    • #17
      yeah, i wonder about the same thing. My box is not the latest but 40 HT cores, 128 GIG of ram, and I hope machine ins't the issue...
      If RT is used all the time for Arch-viz and heavy VFX production scenes, it should be able to handle vehicle production scenes no problem....I wish RT can work more like and progrssive sampler as I don't experience crash during using progrssive sampler. Wish cached geo and texture maps, it's my only alternative to RT for look-dev and lighting when RT keeps crashing.
      always curious...


      • #18
        Has anybody had any experience with manufacturers supplied Vred files?
        If this is what the manufacturers are handing out then it may be something we need too get familiar with even if it does mean exporting for use in v-ray,
        Would the datasets be exported poly's or nurbs/cad as Vred seems to also be pushing the ability too render directly from cad.


        • #19
          I have a test coming up for a manufacturer where they send the data out as Vred data set. It will be polies, not nurbs.


          • #20
            Thanks Oli, What will you be doing with the data exporting out to max?
            I can imagine that if they send out as a configurator were you can just pick which model you want that would save a lot of prep in max,
            You shall have too let us know how it goes!


            • #21
              Originally posted by jasonhuang1115 View Post
              Vlado, we tried to use RT here from 2.x to now 3.1....the issue IMHO isn't how responsive it's in Maya but the stability during look-dev and lighting.
              Thank you! It looks like we will have to put more effort specifically into testing and stabilizing the code.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #22
                Originally posted by vlado View Post
                Thank you! It looks like we will have to put more effort specifically into testing and stabilizing the code.

                Best regards,
                Great to learn that, Vlado. Thank you and the dev team.
                always curious...


                • #23
                  Vlado do you know why the experience using rt is so unresponsive? Sometimes waiting 10 seconds plus for a light to start updating on a nvidia m6000,
                  exactly the same on cpu mode with 40 ht cores


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by ali_cgi View Post
                    Vlado do you know why the experience using rt is so unresponsive? Sometimes waiting 10 seconds plus for a light to start updating on a nvidia m6000, exactly the same on cpu mode with 40 ht cores
                    Nope, I've no idea just from the description. It would be best if you can send us a scene where this is reproducible to

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #25
                      Hi Vlado, It's difficult to send these scenes as I could get into serious trouble, i'll ask if not i'll try and reproduce without actual data,

                      Just looking deeper into why Vred is so fast, and good at using this complex data is the optimise feature, from looking it seems to script the removal of a lot of the things that data like this causes renderers / viewports to come to a halt, removing unnecessary nulls, groups within groups, but keeping structure also has loads of other things to do with mats, tex co-ordinates and other things i don't fully understand but seems to make things super fast in vred, be interesting if anyone at chaos group could explain some of these things and if they are things that could be integrated into vray


                      • #26
                        Probably there are things that can be dome about it, but we'll need some examples...

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by ali_cgi View Post
                          Hi Vlado, It's difficult to send these scenes as I could get into serious trouble, i'll ask if not i'll try and reproduce without actual data,

                          Just looking deeper into why Vred is so fast, and good at using this complex data is the optimise feature, from looking it seems to script the removal of a lot of the things that data like this causes renderers / viewports to come to a halt, removing unnecessary nulls, groups within groups, but keeping structure also has loads of other things to do with mats, tex co-ordinates and other things i don't fully understand but seems to make things super fast in vred, be interesting if anyone at chaos group could explain some of these things and if they are things that could be integrated into vray
                          ali, curious what are you actually comparing between Vred and Vray in terms of responsiveness. Is it the viewport interactivity or when doing raytraced rendering?

                          If it's the viewport, then it's Max/Maya's viewport vs. Vred customized viewport real-time shader.

                          If it's raytraced rendering, in my experience Vred is not even close to Vray RT. On my box, when I turn raytracing on for Vred, it's much less responsive than Vray RT. Is your experience the other way around? Interesting to learn....
                          always curious...


                          • #28
                            Im talking about raytracing, in Vred i move a light and its quick instant, in rt I'm waiting 10 secs plus just for the thing to kick in, before it starts to clean up
                            I'm sure somethings not right, be it my end in the setup or something in v-ray I'm not quite sure, but its unusable for realtime lighting atm,

                            My viewports are fine in max, be it on shaded or realistic mode very quick indeed, obviously not as realistic as Vreds OpenGL but this dosen't bother me, its just the raytracing, rt just won't work for me :/

                            I have a m6000 as my main card and a gtx780 second, if i use the m6000 for both viewport and rt my viewports start to lag, this i understand as one card is doing both,
                            If my scene fits onto the gtx ram for RT then my viewports are snappy, but still experiencing the same lag in RT rendering either way,


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by vlado View Post
                              Probably there are things that can be dome about it, but we'll need some examples...

                              Best regards,
                              Will prepare an old scene, which gets close to the scenes we have these days in terms of complexity and polycount. Can I send an ftp link to the Chaos support referencing this thread or directly to you?


                              • #30
                                Send it to me at; thanks!

                                Best regards,
                                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

