im not sure what, if any, compression the proxy uses, but whatever it uses doesnt work well with animated proxies.
for technical reasons ( a bug in forestpack) i needed to add 150 frames of padding at the beginning of my 150 frame animated proxy. in these 150 frames nothing is animated.
the file size has gone from 1.6gb to 3.2 gb.
can anything be done to improve this? id imagine an animated proxy, particulerly one where the vertex number stays constant, should be highly compressible. having said that, zip/ rar compression doesnt do much to reduce the filesize.
for technical reasons ( a bug in forestpack) i needed to add 150 frames of padding at the beginning of my 150 frame animated proxy. in these 150 frames nothing is animated.
the file size has gone from 1.6gb to 3.2 gb.
can anything be done to improve this? id imagine an animated proxy, particulerly one where the vertex number stays constant, should be highly compressible. having said that, zip/ rar compression doesnt do much to reduce the filesize.