I'm trying to shade a used electric guitar.
To get the micro scraches I followed this tutorial: http://viscorbel.com/microscratches-...vray-tutorial/
After some days of tweaking I decided to use 4 normal maps with different tiling and different kind of scraches, to get very thin small scraches and very long not so thin scraches.
But how to blend them together?
I used a Composite map with overlay mode, this looks quite right but on a secound look there are some scraches that look like they are pushed out and not in like they should be looking.
I know that overlay isnĀ“t the right way and Composite maps are quite slow.
Is there a way to do this inside of 3ds max?
The only thing i could imagine is to copy this blend mtl with its three bumped materials from the tutorial, 4 times.
One for every normal map and then blend them together in a 5th blend mtl which has to be blended on top of the wood mtl of the guitar (bend mtl no.6).
If I then want to make a multi glossines effect, with, let's say 3 glossines layers i'll have to copy the 5th Blend Mtl and its sub tree 3 times, set up the glossines and blend it in another blend mtl.
Then i get this Monster mtl:
I didn't try to render that jet but everything in me says: No! don't do that! It will be a nightmare to tweak. And i think it will be very slow.
What would you guys suggest?
I'm trying to shade a used electric guitar.
To get the micro scraches I followed this tutorial: http://viscorbel.com/microscratches-...vray-tutorial/
After some days of tweaking I decided to use 4 normal maps with different tiling and different kind of scraches, to get very thin small scraches and very long not so thin scraches.
But how to blend them together?
I used a Composite map with overlay mode, this looks quite right but on a secound look there are some scraches that look like they are pushed out and not in like they should be looking.
I know that overlay isnĀ“t the right way and Composite maps are quite slow.
Is there a way to do this inside of 3ds max?
The only thing i could imagine is to copy this blend mtl with its three bumped materials from the tutorial, 4 times.
One for every normal map and then blend them together in a 5th blend mtl which has to be blended on top of the wood mtl of the guitar (bend mtl no.6).
If I then want to make a multi glossines effect, with, let's say 3 glossines layers i'll have to copy the 5th Blend Mtl and its sub tree 3 times, set up the glossines and blend it in another blend mtl.
Then i get this Monster mtl:
I didn't try to render that jet but everything in me says: No! don't do that! It will be a nightmare to tweak. And i think it will be very slow.
What would you guys suggest?