ok two issues in one post.
first, am i right to assume the only way to achieve proper cloud illumination at the start and end of the day is to fake it with fill lights? as you may have noticed, at sunset/dusk, the clouds get pretty strongly illuminated, and higher altitude clouds can also be illuminated long after the sun has set.
obviously the vraysun/sky has no real horizon, so once the sun goes down, the illumination is the same everywhere.. im not going to get more light higher up.
im trying with vdb clouds, and during the day they look great, but the closer we get to the ends of the day, the worse they look. and they stay resolutely dull in appearance for the whole period of low sun.
im pretty sure ill just have to keyframe some extra lights in there, but any nice tricks most appreciated.
second.. do vrayvolumegrid and vrayaerialperspective play together at all? if i have them both in the environment effects i get strange results.
with the volumegrid on top, and aerial perspective below (in the list) i get no volumegrids rendered, or, maybe they render but hidden behind the aerialperspective effect? ive tried setting the range to like 900,000m but it doesnt change the result
with the order reversed in the list, i get my volumes rendering, but the more aerialperspective i add, the darker they render against the sky.
neither results are very useful!
first, am i right to assume the only way to achieve proper cloud illumination at the start and end of the day is to fake it with fill lights? as you may have noticed, at sunset/dusk, the clouds get pretty strongly illuminated, and higher altitude clouds can also be illuminated long after the sun has set.
obviously the vraysun/sky has no real horizon, so once the sun goes down, the illumination is the same everywhere.. im not going to get more light higher up.
im trying with vdb clouds, and during the day they look great, but the closer we get to the ends of the day, the worse they look. and they stay resolutely dull in appearance for the whole period of low sun.
im pretty sure ill just have to keyframe some extra lights in there, but any nice tricks most appreciated.
second.. do vrayvolumegrid and vrayaerialperspective play together at all? if i have them both in the environment effects i get strange results.
with the volumegrid on top, and aerial perspective below (in the list) i get no volumegrids rendered, or, maybe they render but hidden behind the aerialperspective effect? ive tried setting the range to like 900,000m but it doesnt change the result
with the order reversed in the list, i get my volumes rendering, but the more aerialperspective i add, the darker they render against the sky.
neither results are very useful!