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script for mass-editing volume grids?

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  • script for mass-editing volume grids?

    exists? i guess most people dont have many in a scene, but when doing clouds....... it gets quite painful quite quickly if you wish to edit the opacity multiplier on 200+ volume grids.

    for now ive started using parameter wiring to link them all together, but its not ideal.

    related note:

    cant seem to centre the pivot on a volume grid.

  • #2
    of course.. maxscript listener..



    • #3
      This will turn all the preview modes off. I'm sure you can manipulate something similar to adjust opacity. (This will select all the grids in your scene)

      volumeGrids = #()
      for obj in objects do ( if isKindOf obj VRayVolumeGrid then ( append volumeGrids obj ) )
      for volumeGrid in volumeGrids do (
      volumeGrid.prv_smoke = off
      volumeGrid.prv_fuel = off


      • #4
        i have had a volumegrid tools UI made up for just this purpose of working with shitloads of clouds and smoke in a scene
        ill see if i can share it


        • #5
          Mission Control will let you do this pretty easily. Here I've filtered the sizable parameter list to only show the preview options, then selected the two you wanted to change. Of course maxscript can get the job done, but with Mission Control you gain far more...erm...control
          Click image for larger version

Name:	volumeGrids.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	329.2 KB
ID:	859634
          Patrick Macdonald
          Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


          • #6
            Originally posted by re:FORM View Post
            Mission Control will let you do this pretty easily. Here I've filtered the sizable parameter list to only show the preview options, then selected the two you wanted to change. Of course maxscript can get the job done, but with Mission Control you gain far more...erm...control
            Ahhhh when is this coming out?! Having been hearing about this for over a year, can't wait

