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About glossy reflections

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  • About glossy reflections

    Is there a known way to fake glossy reflections?..or any proved setting that will reduce render times?

    The thing is that at work , im doing some test renderings where the floor is granite, is a long hallway with the entrance to a bar.

    We make the renders just for internal use since we're still in the desing process, not for a final client presentation or something, we are constantly changing the bar walls and the entrance to the bar, however the floor is final, it wont change, but its glossy reflection takes tooooooooooooooo long to render, lets say 3 hours, we cant afford that amount of time, because as i mentioned, we render everytime we change either the walls materials or the entrance design.

    So we dont quite care about the realism of the floor, but we do want those glossy reflection, not mirror ones (or falloff), so is there any way that we can fake them (i was thinking photoshop, like making the reflections like mirror and them blurring in photoshop) or theres any setting tweaks in vray to lower render times.

    btw, all i do for this floor reflections is just drop down the "glossy" from the default 1,0 to 0,9 or 0,8


  • #2
    Hi Jedisalf

    You could try checking the 'Use Interpolation' box and reducing the min/max rates under 'reflect interpolation' to -4/-1 or even -4/-2. That should be a lot quicker that uninterpolated glossies and less hassle than using PS. To switch back to quality renderings just uncheck the 'Use Interpolation' box.

    Just a thought........... When you go back to using un-interpolated glossies, I find that the default 50 subdivisions for glossies is generally too high for most applications, for a granite floor you could probably get away with 8-10. If it starts to look grainy try 12-15.

    Dan Brew

