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Speedtree VrayMat TGA shadow error fix

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  • Speedtree VrayMat TGA shadow error fix

    Hey guys.

    After fighting with my file for a couple of hours and reading every post about it I think I found the solution to SpeedTree and Vray Materials using TGA files with alpha.
    Probably already fixed and known, but here it is anyway.

    1. change each leaf material to VrayMat

    2. use your bitmap in the difuse slot (tga, tiff, or whatever)
    2.1 Apply cropping
    2.2 Filtering = none
    2.3 Mono Channel Output = RGB Intensisty
    2.4 RGB Channel Output = RGB
    2.5 Alpha source = None (opaque)
    2.6 Premultiplied alpha = off

    3. Use same bitmap with alpha in the refraction slot
    3.1 Apply cropping
    3.2 Filtering = Pyramidal
    3.3 Mono Channel Output = Alpha
    3.4 RGB Channel Output = Alpha as Gray
    3.5 Alpha Source = Image alpha
    3.6 Premultiplied Alpha = on
    3.7 Invert = on
    3.8 Set IOR to 1
    3.9 Increase max depth value
    3.10 Check affect shadows
    3.11 Check affect alpha.

    4. Change the bark and branch mats to VrayMats

    5. If you have any other materials (Leaf 01 default leaf. or default frond or something) that are empty, even if they are not being used change them to a VrayMat, set the IOR to 1 and refract colour to white, and increase max depth if needed.

    someone please tell me if this works of if it was a fluke in my file, I now have GI, proper shadows, and no black spots on the plants.

    Does this help anyone or am I the last one to figure it out?

  • #2
    i only want to add that when you get visible edges on the border of the plane then disable tiling in the map if it's possible. | - home of hdri knowledge

