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big bad blotches

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  • big bad blotches

    I've been doing a couple of interior in vRay and I am a novice so there's probably something quite basic I'm not aware of.

    The problem is the following:

    I do a light setup with only the basic geometry of the room on "very low" preset to figure out how the light should be. Then I do do a test with better settings and I tweak the QMC to avoid the seal-fur all over, and everything looks ok. Then I turn on all the furniture etc and crank up the settings on the light ( especially the hemisperic subdiv) let it render overnight and when I show up in the morning I get a pretty good render except for a couple of huge black blotches.

    Does anyone know what the cayse could be?

    ps: does anyone know how to contact the people who make vRay. I have tried in vain via their email address.

  • #2
    maybe showing a pic w/ the problem would help...



    • #3
      please email me with a picture and i will help you out.

      Chris Jackson
      Chris Jackson


      • #4
        email is the only way to contact them. basically if you want to contact them Re: a technical problem your better of posting it here first.

        As for you problem, it could be a material or mesh problem. (make sure you dont have an max raytrace materials in your scene) and also post the said render here so we can see what is going on.

        If you dont have anywhere to post it , email it to me and i will host it for you, or look around for PSY 's free image hosting (for this forum only)


        • #5
          regarding getting in touch with the chaosgroup people:

          i tried the forum first and nobody was able to help. it was something about DR and it said in the wizard that if all else failed to email them at chaosgroup. that was months ago. kind of unusual in this day and age to have a company in the it-sector that doesn't respond to customer email.


          • #6
            it sounds like the typical material probelm or bad imported model ?
            cant email one of us and we could host the image for you, so we can try to sort it out for you


            • #7
              a picture should be on the way. i've sent to natty daforce and jacksc02.

              something i forgot to write. all of the materials in the model are vray materials. the red arrow on the picture indicates the blotch ( although it's pretty hard to miss )

              thanks for any help


              • #8
                if all the Mats are vray the only thing ive come across is normally Models.
                Hide all your furniture and render again, and then unhide one by one until you get the Blotches back, that normaly works for me.


                • #9
                  yes... ok. i'll give that a shot. thanks natty


                  • #10
                    also if you had imported an object for use in the scene and it was rediculously small or large and you rescalled it down to fit your scene then it can cause problems. like having a scale of 3045% would be messy. i found this with motion blur once. if you do a reset x-form on it it would be better. (just if scale was an issue)

                    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                    stupid questions the forum can answer.

