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G-buffer questions

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  • G-buffer questions

    Could someone out there please explain the wonders of the G-Buffer feature?

    As far as I can make out, I should be able to render something and get an extra channel of one of the materials in the model (which would be terrific instead of what I usually do - which is render any needed masks by using the shadow/matte material) Is that correct? Does it work with sub-object materials? Where do I find the "output channels" list mentioned in the vRay-help file?

    From my questions you can probably deduct that I'm pretty much in the dark here. I'd be gratefull to anybody who has time to elaborate on the subject.

  • #2
    Hi obeth

    just turn on the g-buffer channels you want to use. After this , they will get rendered internally, so if you for example rener out rpf files, the corresponding channels will get saved with your rpf files, as far as rpf can save them usualy.

    if you want to save out your g-buffer channels seperated as immages, you have to turn on you vray framebuffer in the rendersettings. a bit down, there you find a place to save your g-buffer channels as seperated immages in whatever path you want.

    right now, the exposure features, that you might use interactively in the new vray framebuffer cant be saved out correctly, (only a screenshot works), and also there are still some bugs left. but these channels allready give you an increaddible compositing power.

    well good luck



    • #3
      I see....

      Thanks for your response tom.

      It seems the problem is that I haven't switched to the vray VFB. I have just started a render after enabling the vray VFB (for the first time ever) and it seems that the usual VFB turns up and not the vray VFB. Am I missing something?


      • #4
        hi obeth

        usualy both should be seen , the i-map and lightmap precalculation takes place in the old framebuffer, and the final rendering in the vray framebuffer.

        take care, that render to memory framebuffer also is turned on



        • #5
          after scrutinizing screendumps in the latest help-file i can see that the "vray: override output settings" where i should be able to do a whole lot of things with the VFB, does not resemble the settings i have. it seems the version of vray i'm using simply doesn't have those features am i wrong about that?

          which brings me to another question: i'm using vray adv 1.09.03n. as far as i know 1.45 is in beta and i guess i shouldn't use a beta for production. i'm just wondering if everybody else here is using the beta or what?

