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VRay 1.45.45 - black pixel

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  • VRay 1.45.45 - black pixel

    tonight I rendered an exterior scene animation. I added a max Material to the ground and put some concrete textures to the colour channel. Than I added a VRay-Map to the reflection channel (because it should look like it is raining).
    But Vray rendered some black splotches into the image. At first I thought it might be a matter of Raytrace depth. But nothing has changed after increasing the values.
    The next idea that come to my mind was a geometry problem. I had such splotches once where 2 ore even more polygons have been at the same position or at least very close to each other. But in this case the ground (a large cube) has no duplicated faces.

    I tried to decease "Face/level coef." Value in the "Raycaster param" section. The splotches went away a bit, but there are still some of them left.

    Unfortunately I can not show an image. But maybe someone knows what kind of problem I have.

    Best regards,

  • #2
    have you tried using a vray material rather than a standard one?
    have you checked all your mats in your scene to make sure your not using any raytrace or metals mats... try hidding imported geometry and do a test render to see if that is the problem ....sometime's it is !


    • #3
      Thanks Natty.

      But the problem also occurs with Vray-Mat which I use for a vehicle that drives through the scene.
      I do not use any 3ds max metal shader or 3ds max raytrace materials/maps.

      Of course there is imported geometry. It is an animation about the customers product which I have imported from their CAD program. I have rendered about 20 scenes already without such a problem till now.

      When I change the raycast parameters, it works a bit better, but not perfect. What might the reason for this be?



      • #4
        Uncheck the "Limit search range" option in the irradiance map parameters; this should help.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

