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Denoiser issues / wishlist

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  • Denoiser issues / wishlist


    The new Denoiser is fantastic, however a couple of things just as a wish list:

    -An option to suppress the extra render elements in the output file. I understand these are required for it to calculate, however the .exr files with all these passes embedded it generates are huge. Still images not so much of an issue but its getting crazy for animations of any length. Also if using a commercial renderfarm like Rebus etc it adds a significant amount of time to download frames.

    -The performance isn't great with refractive materials, it seems to blur all the there anything that can be tweaked to help this aspect?

    That said its awesome otherwise.

  • #2
    Originally posted by cam_910 View Post
    -An option to suppress the extra render elements in the output file. I understand these are required for it to calculate, however the .exr files with all these passes embedded it generates are huge. Still images not so much of an issue but its getting crazy for animations of any length.
    Well, the original intention was to use the standalone denoiser for animations, and in that case it is needed to save the elements. There are huge benefits to denoising frames together - will post some examples a bit later on.

    The performance isn't great with refractive materials, it seems to blur all the there anything that can be tweaked to help this aspect?
    Setting the "Affect channels" option of refractive materials to "All channels" could help, but if you are also denoising render elements separately, there is currently some issue with that (refractions come out brighter). RGB denoise only should be fine though.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

