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Denoiser with animation

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  • Denoiser with animation

    Hi there,

    We were having issues with a tight deadline this week, becauserendering scenes with lots of metal materials are notoriously hard to optimize. I hadn´t switched to 3.4 because of the issue with SSS Materials and prepass based illimunation settings, but then I remembered, that this issue was only with Max 2017. Now we´ve upgraded to 3.4, since we still use Max 2016 anyways and tried out the denoiser.
    First of all: WOW!
    This will definitely save this weeks deadline issues!
    Overall the results just look amazing, we do have some smaller issues with it. We can live wth it for now, since its something only 3D professionals will notice, I´s till like to know if there is something we could do about it.

    Here are the issues:
    1. On mostly flat areas the denoiser works like a charm. On more complex, curved shapes I can still see a little flickering. I can see where it comes from in the original RGB channels, because I can also see the noise there moving around from frame to frame.
    I already checked "lock noise pattern", since it said in the manual to do so for animations, but now I read in another thread, that I should UNcheck "lock noise pattern" for animations. So which one is it?
    2. On some edges I can also see a little noise, where it looks a couple of darker pixels are appearing and disappearing randomly.

    Since both issues can more less clearl be seen in the original RGB channels, I´m pretty certain its not the denoisers fault, but rather something else in my render settings.
    We´ve been kind of pushing it alot by setting the color threshold to 0.04, so this might be the cause of it already.
    We also tried reducing render times by reducing the number of reflection bounces to 4, so this might be another reason why we´re getting issues with the more complex shapes.
    We´ve also turned of anti aliasing, so this might be the reason for the objec-edge flickering (its very minor though).

    Can you elaborate on the correct settings for the "lock noise pattern option"? And is there anyway to prevent the edges from flickering?

    But basically I just wanted to say a big THANKYOU to you guys for the denoiser, because this is a life saver for many future projects!

  • #2
    Yeah recently finished a challenging animation that would not have been doable in the time (and budget) without the denoiser.
    Amazing addition so far, and will only get better I'm sure.

