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more RAM

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  • more RAM

    hai everbody..

    i have a small program called RAM-PAGE to monitor the usage of RAM in my system, when i put some thing to render on prepass time n render phase its showing , still have more than 500 mb free.. i have total
    1.2 GB RAM.... how can i utilise this free RAM to my render....?

  • #2
    Hi mukks,

    Having free RAM is not a bad thing.

    Not having would be!

    It is the OS that manages the Memory, not RAM exclusively, but a bundle it creates between RAM and the swap file, and the ongoing processes takes it while it is available, when there is no more available, it will likely crash.

    As far as you see your processors being 100% (or very close) used, be happy, lack of RAM is not slowing down anything, + adding more RAM won't help at all.

    If you are using the new build 1.45.70, then there is true there is a way to lmit memory usage, so scene does not chrash at rendertime, but you would have had to set the limits, so you would know.



    • #3
      By adjusting the raycaster settings you can cause vray to use the memory more aggressively, mainly increasing the "Max Tree Depth" and decreasing the "Face/level coef" . These will lower the render times but be cafefull because there is a point where increasing/decreasing these will start to slow down the calc.
      Eric Boer

