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stripe rendering

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  • stripe rendering

    Never used stripe rendering in max...where can I find this option in max?


    Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.

  • #2
    Hi shytygercp

    you only get this option when rendering in a network. When you transmit an immage to the renderqueque of the max backburner, a window opens that lets you select which computers to use or if your job will be transmitted and stay suspended, and so on.

    here youll find the option of stripesetrenderings.

    it works very well for us. what we didnt test yet was the new option of gi colorbleed correction in the gi settings. i am not sure. but i think this could lead to different exposures for each stripe.

    but just try it.



    • #3

      Thnx Tom, your're a gentleman and a scholar.

      Indecisive archictects will be the death of us all.


      • #4
        When doing stripe rendering, keep an eye on our machines.

        We experienced problems with vray 1.09 and stripe rendering (didnĀ“t test
        1.45 yet).
        Some computers where rendering damn slow. Our dual 3ghz machines
        where rendering much slower than our 2 ghz machines. Btw. some machines
        just stopped after the prepass and where idle for about 10 minutes until the
        first bucket appeared. I donĀ“t know if there is a solution for this. We stopped
        using this feature and wait for real bucket rendering !!


        • #5
          I tried the strip rendering a couple of times yesterday. We have 4 rendermachines, each dual xeon with a couple of GB of ram.

          I found our network failed both times - our server needed restarting.

          Anyone else have network issues when strip rendering?
          Kind Regards,
          Richard Birket



          • #6

            The same here...
            It is very very slow, a great desapoint...I thought I had a network problem I couldn't solve.I see I'm not the only one...

            Hope, there will be a solution.



            • #7

              I've been doing strip rendering without any problems for quite sometime now with both the 1.09 fix and 1.4570.


              Oh yeah, forgot to mention we use a 30 machine renderfarm.
              Richard Rosenman
              Creative Director


              • #8
                By the way.

                did someone of you have serious problems using the backburner with standart animations ?

                Sometimes about 30 percent of our immages at night donĀ“t load the i-map propperly which realy is a mess.

                Our renderfarm at the moment has 12 PCĀ“s and a 1000. Network.

                we havnĀ“t been able to solve this problem yet.



                • #9

                  Hi tom !

                  Yes It is so painfull to get one image with the max Stripe mode on 2 or3
                  computers that I gave up...
                  I didn't try with an animation.The only thing I can say, it's longer than
                  on a single computer.
                  So, there is no interest to use it, for me it's a catastrophe

                  It seeems to work better with a big network, I have only 3 ones, and often I only use 2 ones.There were no problem when I had Max4.2.
                  Since this time I have only problems.
                  I don't understand Discreet, I would like them to offer a service as we have with Chaosgroup...


                  • #10
                    they promised that v1.5 will have working DR and v1.5 will be shown at siggraph as peter wrote.

                    so it shoud be only a week or so till we have working DR with max 6.

                    we had many problems with stripes too, donĀ“t know if it is a network issue or a backburner problem.


                    • #11
                      With 1.4570 you no longer have to calculate the entire irradiance map prior to the render - it will now do it for only that strip. This has saved me a ton of time.

                      If you DO render the entire irradiance map beforehand, and you have 20-30 machines trying to load up an 80 MB map at the same time, you will probably have rendering problems.

                      Richard Rosenman
                      Creative Director


                      • #12
                        Hi richard_roseman

                        thats nearly what we do on a day by day job. Last we rendered a new intereior for those big arosa ships, and went into trouble. the problem was our 12 pc didnt allways load the sure big prerendered i-maps. only way to solve this sometimes was to stop all jobs from beeing loaded and turning on one machine after the other, untill all machine again had work, untill the next job.

                        this for us right now seems to be the realy only problem with 1.470 . all other things are allright due to the real speedboost coming from the lightmap in rendertimes and morover the setuptimes.

                        striperendering on the other hand worked good, and as you say, i-map now can be computed by each pc alone, while the lightmap still has to be precomputed.

                        but if you have ideas, to solve the i-map loading problem, i would be realy realy very !!! interested.

                        greetings from Hamburg



                        • #13

                          I understand what you mean Richard !

                          I didn't think about this possibility.
                          Just a question: between the different i-map calculated, isn't there any difference ? in the color for instance.

                          Well I'll try and see !

                          Thank you

