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Lens effects not rendering the same in 3.5??

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  • Lens effects not rendering the same in 3.5??

    Hello, Thanks for all the support on previous threads.

    I am rendering a scene in 3.5 which was previously created and rendered in 3.4.

    Rendering the exact same scene in 3.5 with out changing any settings, my lens effects are not giving me the same out put. Does anybody got any ideas?

    they are render with 'Reinhard 0.01' and subpixel mapping checked. I now after reading recent threads that this is not correct but it seemed to work

    Rendered in 3.5 Below:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Glare + Bloom.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	200.3 KB
ID:	886992

    Rendered in 3.4, how I want it too look:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Car lights on.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	192.6 KB
ID:	886993

  • #2
    It looks like you could be looking at the RGB channel, rather than the effectsResults channel?


    • #3
      Its exactly the same in the EffectsResult Channel also. I may roll back to 3.4


      • #4
        Originally posted by william.morris View Post
        Its exactly the same in the EffectsResult Channel also. I may roll back to 3.4
        Why not get in contact with the support and send them your scene.. that's what they're there for.
        CGI Artist @ Staud Studios


        • #5
          Thanks. I have sent an email to support

          please correct me if i am wrong......

          I think Previously with vray 3.4, lens effects would be applied to the image once it had completed rendering and my reinhard setting of 0.1 didnt seem to matter. and I got results that I was happy with.

          Now in 3.5 the lens effects seem to be computed during render time and if you have a low burn value it is also applied to the lens effects? which lowers the intensity of the glare and bloom.....

          I know I should be using reinhard 1.0 as its more physically correct.

          Reinhard 1.0 seems to render the glare correctly, but everything become very very blown/burnt out. If I lower the intensity of my lights, that helps with the burn but i dont get the same level of illumination in my scene.

          I wish the burn value didnt effect the intensity of the glare, just like version 3.4


          • #6
            Originally posted by william.morris View Post
            Thanks. I have sent an email to support

            please correct me if i am wrong......

            I think Previously with vray 3.4, lens effects would be applied to the image once it had completed rendering and my reinhard setting of 0.1 didnt seem to matter. and I got results that I was happy with.

            Now in 3.5 the lens effects seem to be computed during render time and if you have a low burn value it is also applied to the lens effects? which lowers the intensity of the glare and bloom.....

            I know I should be using reinhard 1.0 as its more physically correct.

            Reinhard 1.0 seems to render the glare correctly, but everything become very very blown/burnt out. If I lower the intensity of my lights, that helps with the burn but i dont get the same level of illumination in my scene.

            I wish the burn value didnt effect the intensity of the glare, just like version 3.4
            This would explain the problems I'm having with Lens Effects too.



            • #7
              There are no plans to correct this behavior. You can increase the "Shape" parameter of the bloom to make it more similar to what you got before, and/or adjust the "Strength" parameters. And use the burn value in the VFB, instead of the one in the Color Mapping section.

              Best regards,
              Last edited by vlado; 22-02-2017, 07:27 AM.
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


              • #8
                Thanks Vlado! leaving reinhard at 1.0 and adjusting the hightlight burn in the frame buffer works perfectly!


                • #9
                  Good to know

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Wait..., what? So Lens Effects now got worse? There are a lot of situations/scenes that require Reinhard not to be at 1.0 due to a huge difference in light intensities. Either I'm not using Lens Effects correct or something is just really broken.

                    I thought the plan was to make Lens Effects better, and now I'm reading it just got worse and there's no plan on fixing it? Why? Also why did the lenseffectsource render element got deprecated? ( I don't want to adjust the hightlight burn in the VFB, because it's not the same thing. I know as stated above that Reinhard burn not at 1.0 is not physically correct but who gives a damn as long as the output looks good? Tell me is an overburned image because of Reinhard at 1.0 my fault? And if so how I can solve it without touching Reinhard. Lower the lightintensities to non physically correct values? I'm confused.

                    I hope this gets fixed :/ or LE gets a complete overhaul. Or somebody explain to me how to render physically correct because I'm not following anymore :/.



                    • #11
                      Regardless. The Lens Effects update of a 5K render on a dual xeon E5 - 2695V2 (64GB RAM) takes a whopping 5 minutes. Regardless if I enable Hardware Accelerated or not. My GPU isn't the best (Quadro K4000) but 5 minutes is really really slow. If you want to make a change and you don't really know what values you are after, it takes hours to just finetune like this. Is that normal or is something wrong? Also my computer just comes to a stop when it's updating. I can barely do anything, it's like its 1995.. but when I check my CPU usage or RAM, neither is affected, both with or without Hardware Accelerated. I smell fish.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Vizioen View Post
                        Regardless. The Lens Effects update of a 5K render on a dual xeon E5 - 2695V2 (64GB RAM) takes a whopping 5 minutes.
                        How much RAM is taken up by 3ds Max? On my laptop applying lens effects to a 5000x5000 image takes 10 seconds on the GPU (a quadro 2000M) and 20 seconds on the CPU (a measly i7). It did take 1.5 GB on top though.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #13
                          About 4 GB at the time. Could my GPU be dying?



                          • #14
                            It might be an issue; in the original 3.50.03 we had a bug where the option for hardware lens effects was not always considered when disabled and maybe in your case it always tried to do the lens effects on the GPU. If you email me to with your 3ds Max version, I can at least get you a build to test the CPU version.

                            Best regards,
                            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                            • #15
                              Wait..., what? So Lens Effects now got worse? There are a lot of situations/scenes that require Reinhard not to be at 1.0 due to a huge difference in light intensities. Either I'm not using Lens Effects correct or something is just really broken.

                              I thought the plan was to make Lens Effects better, and now I'm reading it just got worse and there's no plan on fixing it? Why? Also why did the lenseffectsource render element got deprecated? ( I don't want to adjust the hightlight burn in the VFB, because it's not the same thing. I know as stated above that Reinhard burn not at 1.0 is not physically correct but who gives a damn as long as the output looks good? Tell me is an overburned image because of Reinhard at 1.0 my fault? And if so how I can solve it without touching Reinhard. Lower the lightintensities to non physically correct values? I'm confused.

                              I hope this gets fixed :/ or LE gets a complete overhaul. Or somebody explain to me how to render physically correct because I'm not following anymore :/.
                              I agree I think they have made a mistake by making no plans to correct this issue. I really loved how lens effects worked in 3.4.

                              Now in 3.5 by reducing the reinhard burn value also lowers the intensity of lens effects, i think this will cause some problems for a lot of people.

                              I am like you and many others, i will reduce the burn value, to reduce burnt out areas to get a result that looks good and not too worried if its not 100% physically correct. I started using lens effects after reading a tutorial the boundary had produced and their burn value was 0.05 when using lens effects with vray 3.4. now if there were to render the same scene in vray 3.5 with 0.05 burn value, there would be no intensity in the lens effects at all and would not be visible.

                              As vlado mentioned leaving reinhard at 1.0, and reducing the burn in the frame buffer did seem to work ok. I think this needs to be added to the documentation, as i spent hours trying to figure out why i was not getting the same results.

                              I rendered one image with Reinhard 0.1 and another image with reinhard 1.0 and reduced the burn value value in the frame buffer to 0.1 and compared both images and they did seem to be exactly the same. Just wanted to double check, by reducing the burn value in the frame buffer is it exactly the same as reducing the reinhard burn value?

