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DR Nodes Failing

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  • DR Nodes Failing

    Hey all --

    I'm working on a scene that I've been developing for over a week now, and suddenly end of day yesterday whenever I'd start a DR, all nodes but the one that sends the scene fail to load the file. I've checked all the spawner logs and none of them have any errors. That's about as much as I know to do when troubleshooting DR errors -- does anyone have any idea what would be a good next step? I'm freakin' out!

    I'll start rebuilding the scene in a new file and hopefully it won't suffer the same way (unless the servers are doing this with all files, this is the only one I've tried so far). I'm just very curious to find out what the glitch is.

    Thanks everyone.


  • #2
    Hi ShaunDon

    Well as you´ve read in the other thread, maybe backburner with stripesetrendering could be a workaround for you.

    As with the dr thing, i don´t know because i am not that network guru.

    do you work with 1.09 ? with 1.475, this could be a possible answer. And if you are affraid, some of your slaves get to heavy renderstripes, just configure backburner to use smaler stripes, so this problem could get less.

    good luck



    • #3
      We'll probably be going ahead with our upgrade to Max6 after we finish this month's projects (assuming September doesn't slam us quite as hard) ... unfortunately we're still running Max 4.2 and 1.09, so an upgrade for all our machines would be terribly time-consuming right now. But by the time we're ready again for it, who knows -- maybe Vlado will be sending out working builds of 1.5beta with DR!


