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Animation settings for GI

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  • Animation settings for GI

    This question has probably been answered a million times - please bear with me - I have had Vray for a couple of months but haven't done an animation using GI before. My scene is of a house exterior. I calculated a photon global photon map using the very high Irradiance map preset. I saved the map at the end of the calculation - things looked great in the still frame but when I try to render (using a renderfarm at work) things looked pretty bad, splothes and black area's. I know is is probably one of those cases where I should post a scene but is there something more obvious that I am missing. Has anybody got a good tutorial to do GI animation - I did the Study Hall tutorial from Vray info, but it didn't mention anything about animation render settings.

    Thanks for your patience - I'm working off about 2 hours of sleep in last 4 days.

    Adam H. Stewart

  • #2
    Hi Adam

    Basically what you need to do is set your irr map to Incremental add and render your scene every 15 or so frame's ...without rendering .... what this is doing is saving your irr map every 15th frame so its making a complete map for your fly-through....then switch back to every frame ...and render the final animation from your saved map .... hope this makes sense .. its late here and im off to bed .. .... have a look on vray info site .. there is a better explaination there


    • #3

      Thanks for your speedy reply - I'm going to have to take some time to figure this out - it seems a little more complicated then I thought. The project I am doing is due tomorrow so it isn't really the best time for me to be experimenting. Pity as the GI on single frames looks so sweet ( daylight with standard rendering methods just blows ), it will change my life once I know how to make GI work for animation.
      If you come across a post or tutorial in the meantime I'd very much appreciate it if you could spin it my way.

      Thanks again.

      Adam H. Stewart


      • #4
        yeah ,,,Have a look here ....


        • #5
          Thanks Natty

          Thanks Natty I found what I am looking for - well almost I just need to streamline my process abit, but I get it.
          What's the weather like over in merry old England, I'm from Dublin, been here six years - you start to forget that seasons are - I don't miss the rainy summer days though.

          Thanks Again

          Adam H. Stewart

