Hi guys,
I've only started to use diffuse contribution recently. In sun settings for instance...I didn't even test it as I was sure it only affects direct light contribution (reduces it in my case since I used 0.1 values) but leaves 1.0 intensity for the GI contribution. So I tested this just now and saw it DC affects Gi as well. The difference is that the area light by sun is a bit different but overall the room is light the same with 1/0.1 or 0.1/1 for DC/intensity values.
The thing is that I want the scene that receives GI from the sun too but no burned areas, as I saw many times asked here. I use reinhard and burn value of 0.1 here, but if I go lower I just get less saturation.
So here's a scene only light by sun
Intensity 1.0
DC 0.1

The other way around
Intensity 0.1
DC 1.0

Here's the scene with hdri sky added too. Is there a way to make the sun as on the first image but the overall light as here?

I know it's not physically correct but clients tell me all the time my walls are grey instead of white since I usually reduce exposure to reduce the burned areas.
I've only started to use diffuse contribution recently. In sun settings for instance...I didn't even test it as I was sure it only affects direct light contribution (reduces it in my case since I used 0.1 values) but leaves 1.0 intensity for the GI contribution. So I tested this just now and saw it DC affects Gi as well. The difference is that the area light by sun is a bit different but overall the room is light the same with 1/0.1 or 0.1/1 for DC/intensity values.
The thing is that I want the scene that receives GI from the sun too but no burned areas, as I saw many times asked here. I use reinhard and burn value of 0.1 here, but if I go lower I just get less saturation.
So here's a scene only light by sun
Intensity 1.0
DC 0.1
The other way around
Intensity 0.1
DC 1.0
Here's the scene with hdri sky added too. Is there a way to make the sun as on the first image but the overall light as here?
I know it's not physically correct but clients tell me all the time my walls are grey instead of white since I usually reduce exposure to reduce the burned areas.