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CPU just works with 20% with arealights...

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  • CPU just works with 20% with arealights...

    I have a big problem and maybe someone can help me.

    the scene: imagine a cube with vray lights in front of of every side turning outside. the cube is lightning the scene with the vray lights. when the upto render the cube, the cpu usage goes down to 20% or less. the rest of the scene is rendered with 100%. when ich render the scene just with the vray light and hide the cube, it renders like it should. with the cube behind the lights it´s terrible lame.....any ideas ???

  • #2

    btw: i heard 1.5 will released 1 month after siggraph, is this another rumor or we are close (days not weeks) to a release?


    • #3

      btw: i heard 1.5 will released 1 month after siggraph, is this another rumor or we are close (days not weeks) to a release?
      Long John, why do you have to bring the release schedule into every discussion? Keep it where it belongs!


      • #4
        Hehe...I was wondering if I was going to post here and ask what on earth he posted that question about the realease date. On the other hand this is starting to get into the category of "repeat until funny"
        Signing out,


        • #5
          hi metro!!!

          how are you? seems you're always busy! *like us =)*

          well i think it's quite logical:

          the light reflectet from the 'ground-plane' - if there is one - hits the cube, therefore a shadow-occlusion is calculated.
          without the cube the bouncing light-rays are 'running' through themself without obstacles, so no need of calculating shadows.

          hope i'm right on this?
          maybe you should post some pics for better explanation

          greez to berlin

