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1-sided materials possible? e.g. See-through walls...?

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  • 1-sided materials possible? e.g. See-through walls...?

    We've got a piece of work coing up where we're attempting to do a very photo-realistic version of an apartment design by one of our clients.

    We've been testing with a demo of Vray and Vray Free, but there's one thing I can't work out that I need a little help with.

    The apartnment we're building in 3D is VERY small, so it's not possible to acrually put a camera in the room and render from that to get a decent overall view of it.

    The solution we've used previously is just to use the Standard Materials in Max and make sure the walls are only 1-sided materials (make sure the 2-sided is unchecked in the material editor) In all out other render tests with Brazil, Max scanline, Mental Ray etc the wall only renders from one side, so we can effectively see through it when from outside, but inside it appears as normal. This means the global immumination in the room works properly i.e. light bouncing off the inside of the wall.

    in Vray however it ALWAYS seems to render the materials as 2-sided by default and I can't find any was of stopping it. Obviously one solution would be to just render it with out the wall actually there, but then of course the lighting solution would be wrong as the wall wouldn't be there to bounce the light around the room correctly.

    So there you go, a long description of a relatively small problem If anyone can help me out it'd be very much appreciated.

    Thanks a lot,

  • #2
    im not 100% certain but I think the VRAY mat has a 2 sided material option that can be unticked (seperate to the standard material 2 sided option) and id guess this works? you would need to use the demo i think as free doesnt have the vray materials


    • #3

      That's such a simple answer and it's something I never even checked! It works though as far as I can tell - thank you

      The scene we've been using for testing is set up with all Standard Materials - for which I'd put the Vray Material Wrapper onto some to see what it did - but I'd not even looked at totally chancing them to the Vray Material it's self

      Just means we'll have to change a lot of the materials to Vray Materials, which seems to be recomended a lot here anyway.

      Thanks again,


      • #4
        Torgeir Holm |


        • #5
          Um, ripe, there's a much easier solution to your problem than doing one-sided materials.

          Select your object, right-click, goto properties.

          Disable the checkbox "visible to camera".


          This just hides the object from the camera, but it still is factored in for any reflection/refraction/lighting/shadow/etc...

          Another technique is to use the clipping options on the camera.

