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Changing RGB values in animation frames (licensed version)

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  • Changing RGB values in animation frames (licensed version)


    we are having big problems with flickering in an animation. It looks like the very well known pirated version RGB values change in a whole frame. We just bought Vray (Adv10903r60) a couple days ago so this is not the case .
    There are moving objects in the scene so I am using Direct Computation.
    Bellow is a preview image with DC Subdivs = 5. It is a part of a second frame being rendered over the first one. You can clearly see those bands on the two sides of the image having different RGB values.
    Does anybody know what is going on here before I post this into BUGS ?
    (I have it rendered with much higher Subdivs and it is still doing that)

  • #2
    It sounds like a auth issue still. (the image gives a file not found error so i can be certain)

    But i would suggest uninstall vray, removing all registry entrys for it, and reinstalling. You may need to contact the chaos lads about auth info as well.

    Like i said it sounds exactly like an auth problem, and vray will need to be re-authed. Which wont be a problem since you bought it.


    • #3
      Thanks DaForce,

      Deleting all the vray registry entries and re-authorizing helped.


      • #4

        Im glad it worked.

