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exportable VRay license?

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  • exportable VRay license?

    I currently use the latest Beta on my workstation and would like to use it with an exported license of my 3ds max on my laptop too. Is my VRay license exportable to an other computer?

    I guess I have to get a new authorisation. I don't know if this is possible (got no answer from Tedi so far ...) and I would like to know before I mess up installation with 1.09 or the beta and the license server.

    Any help appreciated.


  • #2
    Its not exportable as of yet. I dont know if it will be or not, but I hope so. The way to get around this is to have the License server on the laptop. You will always have to have your laptop on the network running the Lic. Server tho. But when you leave with your laptop, the server is on it, so you still will be able to run vray.

    Thats they only way I know of to use your laptop and desktop.



    • #3
      Wow, that was fast! Thanks, Travis.

      One more question:
      Right now the License Server is on my workstation. Can I just copy the "VRLServer.exe" to my laptop and everything will work? Or do I have to get a new authorisation for my laptop and then procede as you said (having the laptop on the network all the time)?


      • #4
        I think you will need a new code. The auth code i belive is specific to the computers hardware. So if you change the machine the server is one, then the auth code will change.



        • #5
          thanks again. Hope, they get back to me fast with the authorisation because I'll need the laptop over weekend ...


          • #6
            If you dont get one tomorrow, try to pm vlado. He helped me very quickly.


            • #7
              becomes a bit of a hassle if you want to upgrade then?

              I think some means of transporting would be cool or if not, a way of connecting to your licence through the internet. For example, I want to borrow the licence at work when im at home, so i connect to the licence server running at work from home and if vray isnt in use there, I can be given that licence. Great solution for many!


              • #8
                that is the way it works im sure ...i havent tried it but im sure you can do it that way ?


                • #9
                  connecting to your licence through the internet
                  well..the problem with that is that you HAVE to always be connected to the server. And it stinks. There are times were i wish i could use vray on my laptop, but cannot connect into my server via the net, because i cannot find a connection for my laptop. I dont want to pay for wireless internet connection just to run vray. Viz has a portable license that works greaat, and it would be great if vray had the same. I guess this should be in the wish list, but im sure this was discussed there already.


                  • #10
                    @ paulison:

                    yeah that is the way it works, I've tried it here, both from home and from work on the same machine...

                    but as travistlo says, it would definatly be nice to have a check/in/out utility or similar.....I chated with vlado a moth back when we first got 1.45, and he mentioned that would be in there in the final 1.5.....we'll see....



                    • #11


                      • #12
                        another thing that I talked to him about was the need of having the server run as a service rather then somehting like a manual process......that is improtant for our setup, because we have full time servers running where no one is logged in, and everything on them runs as a that way an admin doesn't have to be loged in everytime to just keep the vray server running.....

                        he mentioned that would also be added....



                        • #13
                          yeah i have a liitle program that does that for me ..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by natty
                            yeah i have a liitle program that does that for me ..
                   do you mean?.....can you elaborate?



                            • #15
                              yeah i use System Machinic that loads it on start up.. you can get windows to do it for you ...

                              From the windows Help file............

                              Windows 2000 Setup. Windows 2000 Setup adds several standard folders, each of which contains a group of programs. One of these folders is called Startup; the programs within appear on the Startup menu and run automatically when you start your computer.

