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1.5 preview: DR max6!

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  • is it different to the "beta" release ? or is it the same ?


    • is it different to the "beta" release ? or is it the same ?
      What do you mean?
      Torgeir Holm |


      • I think even Long John, will be happy with this

        of course i will be happy when it is released in june 2005.

        my only fear is, that it will not work with Max 8, that will be released 4 month after vray v1.5.

        till then the happy betatester can torture us with lightmaps, distributed rendering and all the other nice stuff.


        • haha, you should change your avatar longjohn to an image of a glass of water half full........

          "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


          • half full or half empty?


            • oops I meant half empty

              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


              • of course i will be happy when it is released in june 2005. icon_smile.gif

                my only fear is, that it will not work with Max 8, that will be released 4 month after vray v1.5. icon_wink.gif

                till then the happy betatester can torture us with lightmaps, distributed rendering and all the other nice stuff. icon_biggrin.gif
                LMAO, this is funny, becuase it could be believable.


                • As i understood, new rendertime meshsmooth is analogue of PRMan subdivision surfaces? If so, will be some variable creases support implemented?
                  It does not seem like it (yet). It is still an early stage. Nontheless, in terms of renderman's creases, I find that modeling with extra edges often is simpler and much less expensive for rendering. So generally I have taken the habit of modeling that way, so this type of subdiv is just fine right now. Adding the variable crease information would probably be a pretty complicated step for them since they would have to inbed data into the mesh itself such as on its verts and edges, and now, it is simply a node that is added to the object.


                  • Yeah, in MayaMan it was implemented via quickSelection sets which could quickly make your scene unmanageable(?), full of these sets.
                    Anyway, it's always good to get slightly smoothed box edges/verts without additional subdivisions. Hope this feature will be implemented.


                    • Hope this feature will be implemented.
                      It would be nice to have, but I would rather they focus on it after they iron out other issues such as releasing 1.5 and getting the maya version released. It may be cool to have on version 2.0


                      • They are doing just that cpnichols, there will be no creasing support in 1.5 - maybe later though.
                        Torgeir Holm |


                        • Anyway, i think it's not a big problem to add variable creasing.
                          Uhmm....yeeeeah, Maya version....


                          • So when is version 1.46 going to be made public? I don't see why 1.45 is public but not 1.46. I would REALLY like to use DR.
                            Tim Nelson


                            • 1.45 was made public after being internal for a while and most the big issues had been spotted and were fixed. same with 1.46.02, there are a few known issues now, but after they are fixed I'm sure you'll see a new public version.

                              BTW: 1.46.02, including the DR, works great in max7
                              Torgeir Holm |


                              • Gotcha, thanks for the reply.
                                Tim Nelson

