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Odd noise in animation

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  • Odd noise in animation

    I am doing a test renedr of a fly thru and get some noise which I do not know how to sort out. The noise happens when a door is moving, for which I calculated the irr map for each frame. When I switch to a precalculated irr map everything looks fine. How do I get rid of this noise?

    How come Psychics have to ask for your name?

  • #2
    how did you combine the two map ?


    • #3
      I decided not to combine them. Instead I calculated the irr map for each frame of the door movement & then rendered tga files and produced this animation using RAM player.
      How come Psychics have to ask for your name?


      • #4
        try combining them ....see what happens....


        • #5
          Hi Zapcat.

          i cant see your avi. but i think rendering gi with moving objects, allways is a very difficult thing.

          while in single frames you dont see the statistical wrong "splotches" because nothing moves, in animation theese splotches move a bit from frame to frame. Its comes from the not perfect rendersolution.

          so now only way , to realy solve this is using very high settings, to reduce the noise to an acceptable amount.

          i once rendered an interior with lightmap and direct computing for first bounce, to get the desired quality. frame time was up to 25 min. which was acceptable, because i had 14 computers at that time to do it.

          other solution was to use passes, ore mate shadow tricks.



          • #6
            Natty - I didn't save the maps when I calculated each one individually.

            Tom - Firstly I got to say I really like the work you've posted here. I think my problem may be the low settings I used but it might be my AA settings. It's my first animation with a moving object. Here are the settings. Any suggestions?

            How come Psychics have to ask for your name?


            • #7
              Natty - I didn't save the maps when I calculated each one individually
              then how have you done it ?


              • #8
                I set up vray to calculate the irr map then render each frame as a tga file, then I load the sequence of frames in to RAM player. From there I can save the frames as the animation I want. Probably a slow way of doing it but at least if it crashes before the rendering finishes I haven't lost everything!!
                How come Psychics have to ask for your name?


                • #9
                  This probably has nothing to do with AA. It looks like you need higher irradiance map settings when the door is moving. The lighting solution changes too much between each frame, that's what gives you the flickering.
                  Torgeir Holm |


                  • #10
                    ya and I frequently see the red pop out when the settings are too low as well.

                    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                    • #11

                      thats it egz and percydaman are right.

                      your antialiasingsettings are right

                      its only the i-map settings, you have to increase.

                      maybe you render 3 animations . first from strart to the moment the door beginns to open, secound the part where the door opens and thrird the one where the dore is opened to the end.

                      the parts where nothing moves, you can precalculate the i-map so you get flickerfree animations.

                      the part where the door opens you render with very high settings in single frame modus.

                      when you render the parts with a bit overlapping frames, you can composit them togeher. and maybe still save much time.

                      good luck


                      • #12
                        ya and I frequently see the red pop out when the settings are too low as well.
                        Zap, are these rendered or is this a RAM player issue? If it is the latter, you might want to try the free virtualdub video editor. it supports al kinds of codecs. runs without installation and is small.
                        You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.

