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  • #31
    im rerendering now. there is noise, and some popping and am not sure whats creating it. Could be AA, irrad map, or maybe an issue with the added polys created at rendertime, as it kind of looks like it happens when the camera is moving forward. I think Ill restart the render with higher settings, and let it render over night. It only takes about 2.5 hours to render 200 frames with current AA settings.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #32
      ok heres the anim. am posting both an xvid avi and a quicktime you can scrub through. I upped the AA so alot less noise, but theres still what looks like geometry popping. Irradiance map was calculated every 4 or 5 frames I believe. I could try rendering without GI to see if that fixes anything. 699k 6.83 mb

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #33
        Uh, are those options of vray 1.46 ? Damn my 1.45.70beta seems old I wanna play with that, those rocks looks neat !

        Anyway I wish ya the best luck for your entry on Grand Space Opera Percy, I saw your thread, looking great... I wanted to make the next competition after machine flesh, but space isn't really my cup of tea... Goodluck, you're doing great work (there and on a lot of threads I saw in those forums).



        • #34
          @percy: nice tests. Up Edgelength back to 4 and there won't be any geometry flipping anymore. You can try 5 too but i found 4px to be the best for most cases.
          Sascha Geddert


          • #35
            Excuse me, but why these rocks changing so strange while cam moves toward them?
            It's a technical question a bit, but maybe Vlado can comment it: what the size of polygons, displacement algorithm dices original geometry to?

            Does Vray behaves like PRMan, doing "micropoly-per-pixel" or like Mental Ray's - dicing geometry quite rough?

            PS: Damn, it's time to learn some english....seems like i'm experiencing some language difficulties...


            • #36
              it should be like prman. So uses similar technique as the displacement


              • #37
                thanks geddart, never thought it might be edge length that was causing it.

                "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                • #38
                  Does anyone know if there are plans to support features like separate by materials, or smoothing groups?

                  I find this very useful in Max's meshsmooth for mixtures of hard and soft edges, and would be nice to have in Vray.




                  • #39
                    I think for animation you should turn of the view dependant option. Now vray displacement will change every frame. With view independant you will not have undetailed displaced parts (far away) becoming detailed all of the sudden frome frame x to y because it gets closer to the camera.

                    Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                    • #40
                      No need to turn that off, there is no visible popping of detail. As long as you use a good edgelength value 4-6 works fine in most cases.
                      Torgeir Holm |


                      • #41
                        I thought that the popping in the anim maybe was caused by this (it probabely is, but as you say with a lower edge length you won't notice it anymore).

                        I don't know how vray treats the displaced geometry, but it could be that when you use view independant, vray creates the displacement once, and then keeps it in memory so it doesn't need to regenerate it again each frame? Npower rhino to max plugin works in this way too, it generates a mesh from a nurbs surface at rendertime, and if you choose view independant then it only creates the mesh once.

                        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps

