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Lend me your Ears!!!!!!!! (Need help ok) :)

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  • Lend me your Ears!!!!!!!! (Need help ok) :)

    I've got this building that needs to be rendered, I've completed the structure and I need this bloody thing done for tonight, but I'm not great in V-ray, and render time is around 9mins so trial and error is slow. I'm getting this werid blotchy look on the doors of the structure, can anyone help me out? and alo how can I make the building look more intresting without dirtying it up or modling any other structures in the background.

  • #2
    Ok got another problem, I've got a better version of my render now, and i've done some fixes since this render, but I don't no how to get rid of the "noise" on the doors, Whats causing this? :S


    • #3
      have you used displacement?

      use a bitmap instead of displacement, anyone will notice that.

      try displacement for the gras and higher irradience map settings.

      the lightsource could be a directlight with area shadows,

      so my five cents


      • #4
        Ok heres another render before I read your post (caustic angel) the doors are actually bjects with a pathdeform on a spline for the animation i will do, the actual model is competly made, inside and out, if you were to go inside you would see the steel gurders/bolts and what not... I've added grass to the scene, I won't use displacment because I'm no good with it and don't have the time to experiment on this project, Although if theres a good tutorial out there for grass and displacment I'm all ears

        I'm going to bed now, So i'm going to leave it to render another one with a few mod's in it, I'll also include a few trees to go behinde the fence. I've toned down the grass to blend in more with the bitemap grass too. I've increased the irridence settings, so we'll see what that has to offer.

        thanks for your five cents was insightful!


        • #5
          Displacement with vray is simple, just search for grass, there is a good topic out there you will find everything you need.


          • #6
            When asking for help you should always post the vray settings you are using. Without them its almost impossible to offer any helpful suggestions.

            If the render is taking 9 minutes, I would venture a guess that your settings are very low. This will cause the blotchiness and moire effect. Also the scene seems dull for an outdoor scene. Try increasing your light, this will also help.

            What type of light and shadows are you using? Try increasing your light subdivisions to at least 25 or so to get the small details of the doors.



            • #7
              You've asked about the building structure itself without adding any additions - could you play with the colors any? The dark roof and the black sides matching up almost colorwise makes for alot of negative space.
              LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
              HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
              Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


              • #8
                Ok heres me final, what you guys think?


                • #9
                  looks pretty good. did you try vray displacement for the grass? might look a little better.

                  "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                  • #10
                    I havnt found any good tutorials for displament for grass, I need someone to walk me through it holding my hand if you know what i mean! (someone that can explain everything!)

                    but thanks for comments. the render time is 2 hours 38minutes :S So cant wait till I instal 64bit windows, make use of me 6 gig ram


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        ähmmm 2h38m ? windows 64 ? 6gb ram ????? for what ???????


                        • #13
                          I dont have 64bit windows running yet, and the poer is mainly there to handle large scenes with out hgaving to hide everything, and trust me render time is so much faster than usual....

