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Distributed Rendering - from the help

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  • Distributed Rendering - from the help

    I am opening this thread because I see there is some misunderstanding around the forum about how to use the DR in the latest builds.

    What I have posted here is from the help and it makes it clearer how DR works as well as it reports some issues (under notes) that I saw were discussed before and people obviously didn't read the help.


    Distributed rendering is a technique for distributing a single render job within a single frame across many computers in a network. There are different approaches of doing this but the main concept is to reduce the render times by dividing different parts of the rendering pipeline and giving each participant different parts of the job. The most common way to do this is to divide the frame to be rendered into small regions(buckets) and give each machine to render a number of them. Then get the results and combine them into the final image.

    VRay organization
    VRay supports DR. It divides the frame into regions and spreads them across the participants in the distributed rendering. This is done completely through TCP/IP protocol which is the standard protocol of the Internet and thus the most common protocol that is supported by the hardware. VRay itself does not need additional file or directory sharing (note that you may actually need some file/directory sharing for the bitmaps or other additional files used during rendering). The distribution management is divided into Render Clients and Render Servers.

    Render Clients
    The render client is the computer that the user is currently using and from which the rendering is started. It divides the frame into rendering regions and spreads it across the Render Servers. It distributes data to the render servers for processing and collects the results.

    Render Servers
    A render server is a computer that is part of the so-called render farm - it requests render data from the render client, processes it and sends the result back.

    How to test
    First start with the testing of the render server:

    Start the vrayspawnerXX.exe program. It will automatically try to find the 3dsmax.exe file and start it in server mode. You should end up with 3dsmax minimized down in the task bar. It should have the title "vraydummy.max". If 3dsmax stays there alive without closing then you have the Render Server part working.

    Now test the render client:

    Open your 3dsmax as you normally would.
    Open a scene you would like to render (preferably a simple one for this test).
    Choose VRay as your current renderer and make sure you have checked Distributed Rendering ON in the VRay System section.
    Press the Settings button in the Distributed Rendering section.
    Add the machines used for rendering - either with their IP address or their network name and close the dialog.
    Render the scene as you normally would. You should see the buckets rendered by the different servers. Buckets rendered by the client itself will be marked with IP address "".

    Every render server must have all the plugins and texture maps in their proper directories loaded so that the scene you are sending will not cause them to abort. For example having a PHOENIX plugin used in the scene will cause a server failure in any of the servers that do not have the PHOENIX plugin installed. If you have mapped your object with a file named JUNGLEMAP.JPG and you do not have that map in the BITMAPS directories of the render server installation - you will get bucket rendered at that machine as if the map was turned off.

    Rendering an animation sequence in distributed rendering mode is not supported. Use distributed rendering only for single frames.

    Incremental add to current map and Add to current map modes for the irradiance map are not supported in Distributed rendering mode. In Single frame mode and Bucket mode, the calculation of the irradiance maps is distributed among the render servers to reduce the render time.

    When you cancel a DR rendering, it may take some time for the render servers to finish working and they may not be immediately available for another render.

    Currently the only G-Buffer channels available in DR mode are RGB and Alpha. This restriction will be removed in a later release.
    Best Regards,

  • #2
    If you have mapped your object with a file named JUNGLEMAP.JPG and you do not have that map in the BITMAPS directories of the render server installation - you will get bucket rendered at that machine as if the map was turned off.
    Id like to clarify something about this statement. You do NOT have to have all bitmaps residing locally on all your render servers. If you go to the render server and map a network drive back to the render client, where the bitmaps are stored, then its not necessary to have all the bitmaps on the server. Just make sure the name of the mapped drive on the server side is the same as the actual drive on the client side.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      yeah correct ... Percy


      • #4
        hehe, finally got it working.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          Great what was the problem in the end ... renaming your drive's ?


          • #6
            just needed to map a network drive. that simple

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              ok no to a bit more complicated problems then wrong paths and missing plugins.

              let me ask if you have an idea what causes clients to hang after they have rendered a few buckets?

              why sometimes bucket are not re-assigned to clients?

              why must i delete temp files all the time from the network directory?


              • #8
                i just cant get this working. i work for two companies that both have legal copies of vray. at neither office will dr work. In the one, vrayspawner loads and stays in the task bar, but when rendering, a message will appear saying has failed, and will just repeat this statement over and over. in the other office, the vrayspawner wont even load, even though we have nothing in the network folder and we do have the vraydummy.max file. This is beginning to really bug the hell out of me. We have two people working on trying to get this going which is really time consuming and thus expensive!

                A little help please!


                • #9
                  either the instructions are incorrect
                  How to test
                  First start with the testing of the render server:

                  Start the vrayspawnerXX.exe program. It will automatically try to find the 3dsmax.exe file and start it in server mode. You should end up with 3dsmax minimized down in the task bar. It should have the title "vraydummy.max". If 3dsmax stays there alive without closing then you have the Render Server part working.
                  or there is something wrong with the build because the only way I can get the spawner to open is to make a dummy file myself. and place it in the folder with the spawner.

                  doing so still doesn't get it to work realiably unless someone would mind walking me (and others I think) through it .
                  val valgardson


                  • #10
                    I had to do that too val2. After I created the dummy file it went fine for me. Of course I dont have a large renderfarm, just simple stuff.

                    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                    • #11
                      I have a render farm of two machines so it not a large either. Now my main machine is win2000pro and my farm is on two xp machines. but how did you get it to be so it doesn't crash the farm? backburner works great for me so I'm pretty sure my network is right (but who knows heh,heh). like I said in my post it works fine for three renders and then nothing. clearing out the network folder does nothing.
                      val valgardson


                      • #12
                        you have a VRaySpawner.ini file that looks like this:

                        have to use a image because the forum eats slashes.


                        • #13
                          val valgardson


                          • #14
                            have to use a image because the forum eats slashes
                            Next time use the "code" works like the image or URL one and will drop your stuff in an un-parsed box so that slashes show up

                            Q: why do you have the temp directory set to a network share? Doesn't the network folder normally get used? Or is this just for Viz?


                            • #15
                              do you need this vrayspawner.ini file for max 6? the help file says it is only necessary for viz, and i believe egz said in a post you don't need this file? I am having problems so i will create this file, but it seems strange that chaos haven't mentioned it.

