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MAX strip rendering and Alpha channel-Not working??

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  • MAX strip rendering and Alpha channel-Not working??

    Has anyone else experinced this?

    When we sumbit a render to Backburner (max 6) and set it to render in strips. Our Alpha channels always come out messed up. Everything works fine if you render locally (with or without DR) and or if you render to a single frame on backburner.

    We have experienced this with each version of Vray that we've upgraded to. Our farm consists of 12 Boxx dual proc slaves of varying flavors. (Xeon, Athlon, Opteron). It has not made any difference as to which machines we asign the job to. Any thoughts? Is this a bug?

    Our workaround for the moment is to submit a single image to the farm with everything turned off (gi, maps, etc.) to a single slave so that we can peel the alpha out of it. We'd like to not have to do that if possible.

    Good Alpha rendered on a single slave. (no strips)

    Bad Alpha, strip rendered across several slaves.

  • #2
    Does this happen with the scanline renderer? How high are your strips?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      With scanline it works fine.

      We typically output to 7000x3500pixels (we print very large!!)

      We usually set the Number of strips to 40 (87 pixels) with an overlap of 5 pixels.


      • #4
        We've also experienced this with Vray 1.45.70
        It happens randomly as well, with some strips rendering the alpha sometimes, and sometimes not.


        • #5
          We've also experienced this with Vray 1.45.70
          It happens randomly as well, with some strips rendering the alpha sometimes, and sometimes not.

