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Just got it....

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  • Just got it....

    Hi all,
    I am very excited, I just got my authorization code...(v-ray advanced)

    First official question:

    - What are the "don'ts" in order to evoid the authorization problems which cause the evil "animation-flick-of-death"..?

    I read so much about this that I am wondering if there are some operations that may cause V-ray to lose its "authorized status"...

    Second question:

    - I downloaded 1.09, but it says it is for Max6

    The Max7 version seems to be a beta release. I am on max7.

    Suggestions? Should I go with the beta or should I wait for the final built and start in 1.09?
    Consider I am in no production rush right these days, but in matter of weeks I will.

    I am just afraid to have to learn this program's settings twice, once now in 1.09 and then when I switch to 1.5...since I read it appears the new betas and possibly the final release of 1.5 will behave differently than 1.09...

    Thank you



  • #2
    Hi and welcome to the forum and vray ...

    you wont have any flickering problems due to autho problems ... because you have bought vray ..

    I and many other have been using the beta now in production for a little while now and whilst still has a few little huck-ups ... it is fine to use in production ... but if you are at all worried then stick to 1.09 until you feel sure its right to swap over... but you are missing out on some great feature's if you do that.
    All max6 plugins work with max7 .. so you have no need to worry ... just install into your max folder as aked to .. it will warn you, but thats ok .. it works fine... Happy rendering and welcome dude ..


    • #3
      I agree with Natty, I use the latest beta in production and I have yet to have a crash or major problem.

      There are quite a few differences between the new an old versions. I would start with the latest beta. It can be difficult to get used to doing things a certain way and then have to relearn the process. Just ask most people here, me included.



      • #4
        I am planning on putting the next release into production, right now we are using the 1.45 release and there are no major problems. I agree with above, start with the latest and hopefully the next release will be ready for your production work, I couldn't imagine going back to 1.09.
        Eric Boer

