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VRay 1.46.05 rendering problem

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  • VRay 1.46.05 rendering problem

    ok, I just installed v 1.46.05 and finished my first rendering with it. I noticed a huge problem. Anytime an object overlaps another(ex. a box overlaps another box) it basically blacks out the overlapped part. This never happend in v 1.09 and I have always overlapped objects. What can I do to fix this? Is it possibly a material setting or something in the system rollout? Please help! Thanks


  • #2
    i forget its name but the option is in the global settings called ray bias or something like that. but a better solution. make cleaner models. you should be having two faces ontop of eachother

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      thats a joke isn´t it?

      i have downloaded a few hundred scenes/models a and most had overlapping objects because the scanliner or brazil don´t care.
      most user here at the vray forum don´t do, how you call it, "clean" models without overlapping faces either, when you look at the example scenes).

      when he writes that 1.09.03r does not have this problems then it´s more likely that vray has some bug or not?

      the coplanar faces, which crashes vray (and render fine with brazil, vray 1.09.03r or the scanliner) are the same kind of problem.

      is it the case that vray becomes with every version more like lightscape?

      i mean, of course should everyone try to make clean models, but why is it that 1.09.03r does not have all these problems?

      i have a few scenes that render fine with 1.09.03r but crash or freeze with 1.46.x


      • #4
        Well on topic with Da_elf's post he got it right, for the overlapping faces turning out black. Under the Global Switches, adjust the "Secondary Rays Bias" to a small number like 0.001 and your scene in theroy should render fine

        This is especially usefull with the AEC objects (doors, windows,...) as they usually have issues with coplainer faces.

        ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


        • #5
          has this influence on the rendertime?


          • #6
            not that I have noticed, Ive been using that option quite a bit since July as I use the AEC objects quite a bit.

            ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


            • #7
              Thanks for the quick responses everyone! I'll give the bias setting a look first thing in the morning.

              LongJohn - I haven't noticed any rendertime differences yet. It renders about the same as 1.09 or at least very close.

              Da_Elf - Unfortunitely it's almost impossible for me to create clean models. My architecture firm models all there projects in ArchiCAD and objects such as exterior trim, soffit/fascia always get overlapped no matter what. I have to be able render coplaner faces. Do you have any idea why the chaos group made this change? It sounds like most people would run into the same problem I have. I think I might have some other questions for you too. I've been testing out the new VRMesh feature and have had nothing but problems and I think I remember you posting some successes with it. Basically I have a scene set up that I will need to place 350 houses into(VRMeshes). I calculated out a guess at how many faces my scene would have and it came out to 10,500,000!! I guess at least for right now what should I watch out for in terms of settings,placing proxies, etc... I'm sure once I dive into it a little more I'll have a hundred questions to ask the group! Thanks again for your help!

              One more question for everyone. Right before I left work this afternoon I noticed my grass was gone. In 99% of my scenes I have a single plane(box) used for a grass landscape. In 1.09 I would give it a displacement map and input 2.5 for the amount. In 1.46 it defaults to feet/inches instead of the old way of "numerical units" so basically it turns out to be 2'-6" (when I input 2.5) Well anyway I see the plane before I render but once it renders it's completely gone. Theres just a big hole where my grass used to be. Does this have anything to do with the new units of measure? Maybe it's displaced so much it's over my house? or does the new displacement rollout in the "renderer" tab have something to do with it? Or is there something else I'm missing? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!


              • #8
                I have the same problem with my grass dissapearing. Contact Vlado and send him your scene with just the grass mesh and camera etc as I think it is something they are trying to fix.

                i sent a scene im working on to him last week but havnt had a reply yet:

                heres what i sent anyway if anyone else can help:

                Hi Vlado,
                here is the link to the scene which doesnt render the grass out in the foreground as mentioned in the forum last week


                any help getting this displacement to work is much appreciated!



                PS your thread on opacity mapped trees is very helpfull!


                • #9
                  Make sure you post once vlado helps you out.


                  • #10
                    Well the secondary ray bias (set to .001 worked great! The only problem now is that at a certain point in the rendering is craps out and gives me an unhandled exception error. Does anyone know what might be causing this?


                    • #11
                      paulison: the problem in your scene is that there are some degenerate faces (with zero area) in your grass object; I'll try to make sure this is not such a problem in newer builds;

                      bojo5150: what does the error message box say?

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        Ok, my scene is very simple. I have a 4 unit townhome building that I'm rendering(All imported .3ds file from ArchiCAD even the ground plane) with about 80,000 faces in the scene. All the shaders are VRay type shaders but I have made no adjustments with them for 1.46.04 because I'm really not sure what has changed since 1.09.03r. I use displaced grass and have about 10 plane's in the front of the building with trees mapped to them to get tree reflections in the glass. I have 12 dell PC's that I use as my "render farm" I sent the my scene using backburner split scanline rendering and everything appears to be rendering alright until it hits a certain strip and then it crashes and gives me this error: "Unexpected exception has occurred in the network renderer and it is terminating" Please help me out! I can send you the scene on Monday but I need to be able to ftp it to you because my e-mail box is to small. my e-mail address is Please send me an e-mail with your ftp so I can send it out to you. Thanks Vlado!


                        • #13
                          I just updated to 1.46.08 and now I can't even get it to render at all. 3DS Max pops up it's bug reporter when I click render. Vlado please respond, I need to get these jobs finished. Thanks


                          • #14
                            thanks vlado,

                            i managed to get the mesh working by optimising and smoothing it. The grass was modelled in archicad using the mesh tool which can stuff up really easily if you start punching holes in it etc (doh!)

