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Newbie gets into deep water !!!

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  • #16
    Hi Tisho,

    That is right, I have now set this up in vray reflection environment - seems to work?

    Also, When I use only Vray lights I get a very dark scene in the editing (shaded) viewport - is there a way to see what is going on?

    Finally - I am rendering this out as an animation now - about 60 seconds - do you have any tips on settings to help this go quickly? and on which compression codec I should use - non standard format of 720 x 450.

    I will stop asking questions now as I could go on for ages !!!!

    Thanks for all your help.



    • #17
      If your scene is too dark in the viewport after adding in the vray shouldnt be but anyway....
      Just right click on the view port title...Camera01, perspective...whatever and choose configure, then on the right hand side tick "Default lighting" and you can choose one or 2 depending on how you want your viewport light up. Click OK...of course

      That should help.

      For the animation if there is no moving objects besisdes the camera, use incremental add to current map. There is a tut on the vray site after you login in the latest help index that has the perfect way to set things up.

      If your rendering out the animation for TV, render out to TIF/TGA images. That way you can either just use the images, or compress them to an AVI/MPG later on.


      • #18
        Thanks for the help Daforce, appreciated..... I have lots to learn but feel I am making a start now.




        • #19
          No problemo

