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Too long rendertimes with a teapot!!

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  • Too long rendertimes with a teapot!!

    Hey Guys,
    A weird thing is happening to my render times...all I have in the scene are boxes for the floor,roof and four walls,teapot and a sphere....the four walls have a single bitmap applied to them....just a photograph of a store window....the teapot and roof/floor have basic colors and only the sphere has the brushed steel material.....the problem is....when I did not apply the photograph to the walls...the rendertime was 5 secs....with the bitmap applied it jumped to 15 secs!....the most amazing part is that when i put in 5 vray took me 28 minutes to render this scene!! I really dunno know what to check for.....Can someone please lemme know which are the settings that I can check on....the Map preset is set to "Very Low" and "Adaptive sub" is set to default....everything else is set to default.....Please help!!
    If Life was easy, I would have mastered Vray !

  • #2
    make sure your vray lights have the store with irradiance map box checked. I take it you ARE using GI?

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      hey percy,
      thx for the quick response man!....I have now checked the "Store with Irr map option"....and YES...I am using there anythin else that I need to look out for??....and what does checking the "Store with Irr map option' does it work??...thx agn
      If Life was easy, I would have mastered Vray !


      • #4
        it interpolates the area lights using vrays irradiance map caching. which makes it tons faster. but the quality of your area light shadows will be dependant on the quality of your irradiance map settings. it WILL blur the shadows abit, so keep that in mind. You can also use a little lower light subdivs when using that option. great thing all around.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          Great info percy...thx man.....but still does not seem to having the same render time again.....dunno why it should be this way with such a basic scene....any ideas??.....Also, have posted this question in other section of the site but maybe you can help me here you know whether I would require a fresh Authorization code if I uninstall and reinstall Vray on my machine.....I won't be uninstalling Max using Max 6.0 licensed version.....Vray 1.09.03r......thx
          If Life was easy, I would have mastered Vray !


          • #6
            maybe you could post the scene and have us take a look at it.

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              thx for being a lifesaver, percy....Let me try a reinstall of Vray today and see how it works.....or else i will be back to pester you, my friend
              If Life was easy, I would have mastered Vray !

