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Problems installing the latest build...

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  • Problems installing the latest build...

    I was having trouble downloading the latest build this morning... finally it worked. However, when I ran the installer for Max 6 (to install on Viz 2005) the installer crashes while unpacking the Vray60.dll file and doesn't place any files in the plugins folder.

    Has anyone else had any problems with this?

  • #2
    I haven't had any problems installing on Viz 2005, but sorry to hear that you have.
    Tim Nelson


    • #3
      mmmm when the installer crashes, does it just disappear? or does it give "this program has performed an illegal operation" type error, or and error message produced by the install itself?

      The reason i say this is the install just puts files into folders, there isnt any special file checking or anything so i see no reason for it to crash.

      Really you could just make a folder called max or something and make a plugins folder inside that one and dump a copy of your 3dsmax.exe or 3dsviz.exe file into the max folder (as thats what vray looks for) and install vray there. THat will just put the files into the directorys and you can then copy them across yourself. If that gives and error as well then its some sort of system problem that is causing the vray installer to crash.


      • #4
        Well, of course I try it today and it works fine... Thanks for the help, though!

