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How do I recreate the plastic used for ipods?

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  • How do I recreate the plastic used for ipods?

    I'm modelling my ipod and I can't get the white plastic right as I'm really new to max and even more to vray. I am using max 7 & vray 1.46.08. Can anyone give me some tips on how to recreate this material? And if there are any tutorials to help create materials in vray that would be very helpful too.

    I hope you can help.


  • #2
    can you be more specific? show some pics of what youve got so far or something? Since we have no idea how your going about trying to create it, its pretty hard to tell you what you might be doing wrong.

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      Good point Percy!

      Here's a test -

      Here are my settings -

      What do you think?



      • #4
        Hey dude,looking good... LCD screen likewise. Visually it appears that you got it to me. Just HDRI now? Test it out with some other light types and you may find that the you will want to change the ward shader to Blinn and use a lower value for Refl. glossiness in the base material. Just a guess but I would have to see it in a diff light.



        • #5
          Bowser...did you get your name from the old TV show Sha-na-na?

          That guy was great on the show.
          -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


          • #6
            the link below sholud show my attempt at my Ipod,
            I'll get back to you with my settings soon.




            • #7
              Bowser...did you get your name from the old TV show Sha-na-na?
              Dellis - Got the name from my first dog. I've never heard of Sha na na, but we probably didn't have it here in UK!

              T'Darcy - Thanks mate! I look forward to seeing your settings.

