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Latest beta attempts...

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  • Latest beta attempts...

    I just wondered if anyone else out there was having the same issues as me.

    I've been using Vray for a few years now, and so far have progressed pretty well (IMHO!). I got as far as release 'r' and achieved some pretty good, reliable results in both still image and animation work.

    When the next version came out (some time ago now), I jumped at the chance of installing my regret. Yes yes yes, I know everyone says "Don't install a new beta mid project", but I thought I knew better! All previous betas had been installed with no hiccups. Needless to say, the changes were so 'radical' compared to previous iterations that I had to uninstall it and install old faithful, release 'r'.

    Recently, I thought I'd give it another go, as I felt I was loosing touch with some of the forum comments that were being made. So, I installed beta 08. Again, radical changes, and I seemed to have to re-learn much of what I thought I already knew. After many attempts, I came to the conclusion that the new betas were just too different, and seemingly slower than 'r'. Another type of GI calculation. Different values for subdivisions. Etc etc. It made my brain ache. When to use what, how, why and when....

    So, I have again resorted to release 'r'. Stable, reliable, relatively straightforward.
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Birket


  • #2
    If the older version serves you well, then it's ok

    Newer betas are not that different really, and if you spend some time with it, you will get a feel of how things work. We are also working on a set of preset scenes that people can look at.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks vlado. Presets are good. We like presets. We like 'em a lot.

      I am sure that if I had the time, I would get to grips with it ok. Its just that as my business is hectic at the best of times, I just don't seem to have the time anymore. The jump from 'r' to the latest betas just seems a bigger step than from, say, 'q' to 'r' (a bit like GCSEs to A-levels over here, which is why I flunked my A-levels )
      Kind Regards,
      Richard Birket



      • #4
        yeah I still remember the switch... it was daunting... but I did it and loved it and didn't touch the 1.09x version for a few months. until I started at a job that hadn't jumped to the beta version. Then it was a daunting task jumping back after so long...

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          hi guys..i used VRay 1.45.20 for all my picts and anims..when i had in hand vray 1.45.70 , i installed it qickly, thinking that it will be better..but, what a disappointment..all menus changed (but this is nothing)..with my astonishment , i observed that this version was quits 40% slower than 1.45.20...even the final image was diferent..i reinstalled 1.45.20 r5 that i 'm loved with , and installed 1.45.70 tu max r6 to compare renderings with same presets...waiting for v.1.5

