Right I Want to improve the render time and quality of the render, I'll post the scene set up, settings of the lighting and what not, the average render time is 25minutes on my DUAL AMD 64bit opteron 250's, 6gig ram, computer so I would of expected it to be faster, So any improvments to that will be great, Also the scene isn't completed as of yet, lots of fine detail still need putting in like lights and what not (How would I make it so a light would come from a modled light? :S the tiled floor did show up because I didn't add it correctly so the next render will have that on I will add a picture to the out side when I have it, as its opposite a seaside, should be a nice view.
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And heres the Bath room, theres one light coming from the back window, and the only way I've found is to get rid of the noise/black marks is to up the hspehere irratence to about 150, which just takes soo long to render, so any other ways/improvments I can do?
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And heres the Bath room, theres one light coming from the back window, and the only way I've found is to get rid of the noise/black marks is to up the hspehere irratence to about 150, which just takes soo long to render, so any other ways/improvments I can do?