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DLL rct_utility.dlu has failed to initialize

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  • DLL rct_utility.dlu has failed to initialize

    Hi guys, i'm working on 3dsmax by 3 years and i never get an error, all works fine!
    But in this last days, when i launch 3dsmax, during dll loading, appeares this damn error box that says: "DLL rct_utility.dlu has failed to initialize, bla bla bla" and max doesn't work properly...

    I tried to reinstall max6, i tried to clean registry, i tried to install sp2, i tried to format hard disk, i tried many other things, but after format for example, the first time when i launch max it goes fine, after system restart i get that damn error, anyone has expiriencing the same issue??

    I tried to search in the net, but there are few thread in cgtalk and other forums, but no one has an idea to solving this... do you have??

    Please help me, I cant work anymore
    Lighting & Rendering Supervisor
    Marulli Studio

  • #2
    Did a Google search and it appears that error is associated with "Reactor"
    Things from search:

    Requires DircectX 9
    Low memory

    You probably are not using reactor all the time, so try renaming it temporaryly so maybe you can do all the rest of your work until you get an official solution.

    By the way I like your work,



    • #3
      Thx chicoone for your answer
      I know, rct_?.dlu are all reactor related, i tried to move them in another directory and in this way I can launch max, but it doesn't work properly... elementary actions (such as assign material ID, or anything else) will cause max to crash with the tipical "send or not send message box".

      I just formatted for the 4th time right now, and i can't find a valid solution (anyway i can't find the origin)... my hardware and software are the same as 1 month ago and 1 week ago, nothing changed. At the first time after format max works normally and after restart i get that error box message for all rct_ plugin.

      I really don't know what to do now....

      Ahh, i have 2gb of mem and directx9c installed

      btw thx for your nice words, i hope to made even better... if I'll continue to work...

      EDIT: I thought my 3dsmax copy was corrupted so i've downloaded 3dsmax7 trial from discreet... even the same...
      Lighting & Rendering Supervisor
      Marulli Studio


      • #4
        At the Max forum they suggest starting Max in "Software" mode with the -h suffix to see if it is a video card problem. They also recommend to get a program to verify the integrity of the system memory. Chances are it may be video or memory since you installed Max 7 and had the same problem.




        • #5
          Thank you evelyn for your reply
          I tried also -h suffix and i get this error before the viewport method message box can appears. I tried also memtest86 for 4h without problems...

          The strange behaviour is that the first time after format, max works properly, smooth as ever... from the first restart i get that error
          Lighting & Rendering Supervisor
          Marulli Studio


          • #6

            Found a lot of Max 6 "bugs" information on this page:


            It is in english and quite instructive and very interesting.

            One more suggestion: Did you try deleting 3dsMax.ini before restarting?
            Maybe something is corrupting it after exit program.



            • #7
              Wrote to a guy with same problem who posted his email at another forum and he said:

              "the power supply on the computer was causing the problem, once i replaced it max worked alright".



              • #8

                Glad you found the solution to the problem. Saw your repply at the Evermotion forum.

                For all that had followed this thread, the problem turned out to be the "Power Supply". Looking forwards to seeing more of your work.

                Special thanks to Stephen Connor for his input about "Power Supply". I had requested his assistance to help you out with this problem, after seeing he had same problem at another forum and he had posted his email.

                Now, go and make us some more great renders,



                • #9
                  I have the same problem when loading rct_utility.dlu.
                  I have changed my "Power Supply" and my 3dsmax7 donĀ“t start.

                  Sorry for my english


                  • #10
                    Thx very much chicoone for your great support

                    I finally found what's the problem!!!!!

                    A damn virus!!!!!!!!


                    Sabby, I suggest to update your virus definition files, restart in safe mode e lanch an entire system scan!!

                    I lost several days testing hardware and it was a fuc**** virus!!

                    Now i can finally work again!!!!
                    Lighting & Rendering Supervisor
                    Marulli Studio


                    • #11
                      thank you very much vergefio

                      the virus W32.pinfi it caused the error to my max

                      Sorry for my english

