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VRay Proxy's...what the??

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  • VRay Proxy's...what the??

    Hi everyone...

    I have been reading over the site and posts for some time now and have learnt a s*$# load of stuff.
    So first off thank you very much.

    I haven't really had to post anything before because I have found the solution to my problem in other posts but I was wondering.....

    Could someone please explain to me how VRay Proxys work.???

    My thought was that you could make, for example, a bunch of houses in seperate files and make proxys of them. Then bring the proxys into a new file and not have a super huge file....I've found thats good to set up and render a test animation but, as I'm sure you all know, the proxys have a base colour....not the ones that may have been applied to the original model.

    I hear different people talking about using proxys trees do you use then and clone etc with textures and materials applied???

    I hope someone can help me out.....this would make my scenes alot easier to manage!

    Thanks again for all the help that you all constanly provide!!!

    Queensland, Australia
    Warwick Hays

    Loving the 3D world.....Dying to learn and share more!

  • #2
    attach all the meshes together before creating the VRmesh the multimat will work on the proxy with the proper IDs
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply but....

      Sorry you lost me a little bit there...

      How do you mean attch the meshes ??

      And with th I have to put all of the materials into one multimat inorder to have them apply to the model?

      I think I get a bit confused with different terminology, I hope it's not too much trouble for some one to explain a bit better.

      Thanks for the first tip though
      Warwick Hays

      Loving the 3D world.....Dying to learn and share more!


      • #4
        If all your objects are editable meshes then just select 1 object go to the modifier panel and select attach list

        Select the objects you want to "attach" to make a single model and hit the select button

        You can probably stick with the defaults for the material options when it asks, hit ok and your done.

        It will create a multi/sub material for you so just save that to a mat lib, export the new mesh to a vray proxy.

        Then just place the new vray proxy into what ever scene you are working on and apply the multi/sub material you saved earlier to the vray proxy object, hit render and your done

        if you need further into on attaching editable meshes I suggest looking into the 3dsmax user reference.

        hope that helps a little...

        ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


        • #5
          yep, that's it, guess I could of used a few more words.
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            Thank you very much !!!

            I thought that might have been what was meant but always good to make sure.

            I get the idea now....I'll give it a go and see how I go from there

            Thanks again!
            Warwick Hays


            Loving the 3D world.....Dying to learn and share more!


            • #7
              np and good luck

              Under normal circumstances I prob would have given the same answer RErender but I was waiting for a render so I had a few more minutes for a couple extra lines

              ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


              • #8
                Just a question, how do you export a mesh to vraymesh.? i dont have that export to option as vraymesh or vray proxy. can anyone help me on this?

                if you find a bug...kill it.


                • #9
                  just type doVRayMeshExport() in the listener window, or you can drag the same text to a toolbar and it will create a button for it.
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    you have the option in the Quad menu ..


                    • #11
                      thanks guys! u are really great
                      if you find a bug...kill it.

