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standalone + denoiser + deep images = not working?

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  • standalone + denoiser + deep images = not working?

    I'm trying to render images exported from 3ds Max and Vray 3.6.02 that includes the combination of denoiser element and deep image data. These are being exported from Max and rendered on Vray standalone (also 3.6.02)

    I'm finding it's not doing the denoising when it is in deep output mode (works fine with deep off). It seems like it should be possible because there's the option in the denoiser element to enable for deep output or not.

    I'm wondering if some channels are getting mixed up? Attached is a screen capture from Nuke showing the "Other" channel which looks like it's supposed to hold the noise level data. In the screen capture, the deep version is on the right and the regular on the left. The channel pickers at the bottom show that the deep image has nothing in the blue (which is shuffled from something called other.n which I'm guessing is noise level?)

    Anyone else found this? Is this a software glitch or is there a different recommended way of denoising deep images?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I don't know how to denoise deep images. If you need to do deep compositing, I would suggest doing the deep comps on the original results and denoise the final flattened result in Nuke using our Nuke denoising plugin which you can get from this link:

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I mostly use deep data for holdouts so I can just shuffle around the denoising.

      I've tried the Nuke plugin and it didn't change the image at all with deep images (did fine with flat ones). I had to set the noise level channel to "none" and manually put in a threshold, so I'm guessing there's just a mixup in the standalone code that puts the channels in the wrong place or loses them altogether?


      • #4
        Hm, can you post your Nuke script so that we can take a look?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Sure, here's a really simple scene archive with:
          • original max file used to create the scene
          • vrscene file generated
          • exr with deep data
          • exr without deep data
          • Nuke file with some sticky note explanations

          When I render the scene, I add the command line switches "SettingsOutput::img_rawFile=1" and "SettingsOutput::img_deepFile=1" to enable deep data.


          • #6
            Did you found any solution already?
            It seems that when writing images to deep format the "noise treshold render element" (part of the denoising channels) is not correct in nuke.
            When i view this element in nuke, it's completely black (Like it not contain any information), as oposite when i render the same scene but not to deep format, the "noise treshold render element" looks like exactly like in 3dsmax vray frame buffer.

            Maybe when we choose to write to deep exr this channel is not saved.

            Best Regards


            • #7
              No solution so far - as far as I can tell there's a glitch where Vray is saving channels in the wrong place. As a workaround you can use the Vray denoiser in Nuke, set the "noise level" channel to "none" and put manually put in a threshold.


              • #8
                Ok Thanks
                I will use your workaround but I hope it will be fixed soon

